Tree top merchandise
Treetopmerchandise1 SHADY. Really, really shady ebay seller

Shops, Products, Services

Shady. Really, really shady. So shady, in fact, that it really pissed me off. This place doesn't deserve any of the cyberspace air time that I'm giving it so I'm going to keep this short.

I dropped off a bunch of my husband's clothes for Renee tosell on ebay: 7 pairs of pants along with a jacket and a pair of shoes. I was given a number and told to call back before the expiration date one month later.

So, I obediently follow Renee's request and call ABOUT 10 times throughout the week before my expiration date. I am not kidding when I say that thephonejust rang and rang... What kind of decent business does not have someone picking up theirphoneduring regular hours, or at least some sort of answering machine? (a business that doesn't really give a sh*)

So, determined to find out WTF, I decide to go by her store. I drop by about 2-3 days before the expiration date. This guy called Steven (store manager or owner) says hello and when I tell him I'm there to check to see if my stuff has sold, he says, "do you have your number?" Well, I'm assuming that he was surprised that I did indeed have my number because as soon as I said yes and handed him my number he responded: "um, we don't have the books here in the office so you're going to have to come back."

WTF? Wtf? Wtf? Why the * did you just ask me if i had my number then?

I mean, this dude was totally giving me the run around. I wanted to laugh in his face, but I maintained some composure.

He told me to call back the following week, and that he would definitely be there. Ha! I told him that I had been calling and that no one was picking up thephone. He responded that the other beeetch that works there is essentially useless and that I would need to call on a day when he himself would beworking.

Of course, the crowing glory of this story is that I did call back and. You guessed it! Nobody picked up.

That was the end of my dealings with Tree TopMerchandise, aka treetopmerchandise1 on ebay. I can't believe that this lame excuse for a "place of business" remains open. I swear it's just a front for some sort of illegal activity.

I don't even care about the clothes I dropped off. I'm just appalled by the store's insincerity and shadiness.

I really hope some homeless person is wearing the clothes i dropped off and that this scummy place did not make a penny off of them.

Company: Tree top merchandise
Country: USA
Address: 9670 dee rd Apt 117
Phone: 7735930918
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Tree top merchandise
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