Mitchell Karasov Law Firm Sean D. Ethington
Catherine Romano Sean Michael Cassidy Anne Marie McNeley Dan McNeley Medi-Cal Fraud Elder Law Fraud Forgery Money Laundering Fraud on the State Of California Tax Evasion

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The Mitchell Karasov Law Firm of Valley Village California, is responsible for widespread statewide California Medi-Cal fraud. They are able to get away with these acts of fraud and theft, because of the low numbers of man power working for the states Medi-Cal Fraud division. There is just not enough people to investigate thoroughly the elder cases applying for Medi-Cal. Also, there is a large proportion of dishonest elders, that will do anything to keep from having to give up a portion of their estates, for an ill family member.

In a new lawyer by the name of Sean D. Ethington was working for the Mitchell Karasov law firm. He was handling the estate of an old money grubbing toilet wh*re, by the name of Catherine Romano. It was Catherine Romano' husband, Peter P. Romano, who fell ill to Alzheimers in 1999. The Romanos had a living trust, which was made in 1988. The living trust was one of the AB type of living this trust it stated if either Catherine Romano or Peter Romano dies or becomes incapacitated, the person who dies or is incompetant, that their portion of the community property, becomes irrevocable, only for the well spouse to use the income or interest. This was never honored, and Sean D Ethington and Catherine Romano are responsible for illegally changing the terms of the trust, by forging Peter Romano' name on a separate amendment to the trust. This forgery was done and back dated, when Peter Romano was already incompetent.

The next illegal act that was done, pertains to the notice required to be sent to immediate heirs. Well this was not done either, regarding Peter P Romanos' son, and two grandchildren. It states on a PROBATE COURT PAPER that it was sent to the three immediate heirs, and that was a LIE to the courts. The guardian et litem for the grandchildren never received the notice, as did not the son. The secretary for the Mitchell Karasov law firm, Carolyn Kunz, committed this act of fraud at the orders of Sean D. Ethington and Catherine Romano.

The phony probate papers submitted to the courts, was referred to by attorney David Coleman, of Encino California, as a trick the Karasov Law firm performs. It was done in the court of Judge Thomas Stoever. Therefore, Judge Thomas Stoever is also guilty of Medi-Cal fraud against the state of California. The code was used by Karasov and Sean D. Ethington, is Probate code 3100, in which they steal away all the community property from the ill spouse, in order to qualify the ill spouse for Med-Cal. This is being done every day, by the Karasov Law firm and its' ex associates, whom now are contributing to the bankruptcy of the state of California.

Company: Mitchell Karasov Law Firm Sean D. Ethington
Country: USA
State: California
City: Valley Village
Address: 5352 Laurel Canyon Boulevard Suite 100
Phone: 8185087192
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Sean D. Ethington Karolyn Kunz Catherine Romano Anne Marie McNeley Marsha Yaeger
Sean Michael Cassidy Mitchell Karasov Richard Huettl Sawyer Orr Sawyer George Wu Law Firms Greedy Money Grubbing Toilet Wh

Catherine Romano
Anne Marie Mcneley Estate Thief Grave Robber Med-Cal Frauder Liar Cheat Phony Sociopathic Old Frigid Monste

The Law Office of Sean D. Ethington
Sean M. Cassidy Medi-Cal Fraud Tax Evasion Money Laundering Forgery Slandering

Catherine Romano
Cathy Money Grubber Toilet Liar Cheat Estate Thief Money Grubber Sneak Narcissitic Marty

Catherine Romano
Anne Marie McNeley Dan McNeley Sean McNeley Kelley McNeley Drzewiecki Estate Thief Grave Robber Med-Cal Frauder Sneak Man Hate

Sean Michael Cassidy
Sean Cassidy Mike Cassidy Catherine Romano Anne Marie McNeley Marsha Yaeger Phony Shyster Fraudulent Sneaky Living Trust Forger Thieving White Collar Criminal

Sean D. Ethington
Sean Michael Cassidy Ethington Medi-Cal Fraud Attorney Lawyer Fraudulent Probate Court Submission Illegal Document trickste

Sean Michael Cassidy
Sean Cassidy Phony Shyster Attorney No Law Firm PO Box Address Unreachable By Phone Writes Fake Living Trusts

Oldman, Cooley, Sallus, Gold, Birnberg & Coleman LLP
David Coleman Unethical Overrated Egotistical Greedy High Priced Conspirato

Romano's Jewelers