NSS Or NME Magazine Subscription
Ripoff unauthorized credit card transaction what are we gonna do about it?

Shops, Products, Services

I don't know how is this happening.
But they are charging for the magazines i never received.
I wouldn't even care about the authorization if i DID receive these magazines. But i never received a single mag.

They have charged me twice now. Each of 120$ a year.
We have to do something about it. Report them to National Fraudelent Protection or something. I can see this is happening to everybody all over the nation

Company: NSS Or NME Magazine Subscription
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Site: www.nme.com
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NSS Magazine Service Center
NSS Magazines unauthorized ripoff charges

NewSub Magazine Service - Synapse
NewSub Magazine Service Synapse Paid for 5 magazine subscription - never received any at my address and could not get anyone on the telephone or email to correct the situation. Ripoff Stamford

National Magazine Exchange
Magazine sales ripoff, sent me a bunch of magazines that they said would cost me $70.00

Time Warner Magazines
Charged me for magazines I didnt ask fo

TWX Magazines
They charged me $23.00 when I've never even heard of them

Parents Magazine
Unrequested Magazine Subscription! With no Phone # to contact!

My Price Magazines
Magazine subscription

National Magazine Exchange

More Magazine
Magazine Subscription I didn't request

4magazine subscripton service
Rip Off