Naional studios
NSI or Wagner portrait group Got pics and had set date to pay and they took money ahead of time! Now i get stuck w/fee due to them

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Got pictures done last year for valentine's day and everything went smooth. This year got family xmas pics and the lady they sent you can tell they sent so she can persuade you to buy more pics. Well she got me to buy three pics, went through the prices and so on and so forth and then she told me i can take the 3 pics and we can schedule a date for the payment to come out on my credit card, well... Needless to say they took it out ahead of planned and my husband called the company and they told him they don't know who said that but they lied!!! Now, i'm waiting for the extra fee to hit my hard and i'm livid... Never again will i ever go through this company no matter how nice my pics came out the last time. The people in line with me also commented ahead of time about this company being a rip off cause they researched it and they just wanted the pics they paid for. I said the same thing since they were running 1hr. Past schedule of my pic up time. I told the people i just wanted my pics i paid for also but the lady was good that i got those 3 pics... Ugh!!!

Company: Naional studios
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Travel based out of missouri
Address: 2215 National Studios drive
Phone: 31434491911800280
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