TMG solutions
The Merl Group, Empire Executives, Stephen Kordella, Peter Gasparo, Indianapolis, and St. Louis Beware Ripped off employees, long hours and little or no pay

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It is my duty as a good citizen to report this company and those like it to warn others of the misfortune and trouble working for this deceptive organization has brought to myself and many others. First of all i would like to say that Stephen Kordella is a huge manipulater posing as a caring boss when his priority is to fill his sales quotas. Secondly i would like to warn St louis of Empire Executives a branch off of this company who is owned by Peter gasparo, whom probably doesnt even know the damage he is about to do to hundreds of potental employees. Let me start off by saying in this economy we are lucky to find any kind of employment, but we need to research the potential employees instead of going in with our blinders because we are so reluctant to find a job.

Firstly you are called 10 minutes minutes after sending your resume for a first round interview that lasts aproximately 5 mins. Next you are scheduled for a ride alond with a quote unquote account executive which is most likely a glorified asshole that made his/her sales quota for the week. From there you are hired as a account manager which you feel lucky, but the truth is that they will even hire retards as long as you can talk. Then you are paid a whopping 50 dollar a day training bonus for three days. But if you are late even one minute your bonus is retracted. To sum it up you are are doing b2b sales, except you are cold calling the businesses and none are happy to see you. Most of the time you are kicked out because someone has been there within one week and they have quota sheets from tmobile to prove it.

I am a bitter past employee, and stephan will probably write a rebutle saying i am a lazy b*stard who couldnt hack it or this job isn't for everyone while the truth is that i am bitter because i got paid sh*t, had to shell out my own money for gas, use my own cell phone for this sh*tty company. They tell you that you will make 500-700 dollars a week which is completely untrue you might make 500 but you will have to pay 250 for gas and other expenses it is a complete crock so beware, research tmg solutions, or the merl group, or j9 executives which are all controlled by cydcor, if you dont believe me just research any of these companies, by the way stephen i am contacting my lawyer and the bbb to research a way to try to sue you, for working 12 hour days with no pay. Peace Out Sucka FRAT FOR LIFE.

Company: TMG solutions
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Indianapolis
Phone: 13174694852
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TMG Solutions, Stephen Kordella
The Merl Group, TMG Indy Total rip off, and waste of time and money, do NOT work for this company!

The Merl Group - Cydcor
I have been apart of the scam for too long! Don't make the same mistake I did!