Syn, Inc
Mike Magazines were to go to Service men overseas

Shops, Products, Services

Young, personable man came to my door selling magazines subscriptions that were to go to service men overseas. I had to ask him what the cost was. There were several levels of cost and he would get points for a trip to Mexico the amount depending on how much I bought. After going for the lowest level to purchase, I received a receipt and was never told about the cancellation policy.
I began having second thoughts because something did not seem right. I found the cancellation policy and followed that to the letter. Whether I will see a refund is quite doubtful.
These people seem very sincere and are well coached. I have no tolerance for people who use our service personal to make a quick buck.

Company: Syn, Inc
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Idledale
Address: PO Box159, Idledale, Co 80453
Phone: 8777275821
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Marquis Fulfillment Agency LLC
Magazine Fundraiser Scam

Dynasty Technologies
Joseph Robbis (?) Selling magazines for troops contest for a week in Italy. Was about to enter the USMC

Is a ripoff
A young man came to my door selling magazines for college. I puchased a magazine and paid by check in the amount of $43.00. Never got the magazine

American Cash Awards / Gemini Subscriptions
American Cash Awards, Gemini Subscriptions 8-16-08 man came sold me magazines in the amount of $59.8-17-08cancelled in writing. 8-20-08 verified receipt of cancellation. 8-28 mailed copies of my dep. Check. 10-07 verified receipt. 10-28 refund otway

Fidelity Reader Service, Inc
Scammed me

Always Healing People LLC I purchased 2 magazine subscriptions totalling $106.00 of which i paid $10 in cash and the rest as a check. I never received any magazines yet the company took my money

Crs - Lss
Customer Service sold magazines subscriptions that never came to me took $88 for these 2 magazines Jacob Malone
A young man came to my door selling magizines. So I got some for my son and now my son keeps asking where they are

Points Across America/Josh Kestner SCAM! Points across america stole my money!