Absolute proof they are ripping me off! Read on

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I live in a large apartment community in Southern California. When I first moved here, we had AUM as a utility billing co. My monthly bill was about twenty-five bucks per month, give or take. Then, suddenly we are informed that CON-service would be doing the billing. Keep in mind this is the only change, from one billing company to another. No physical changes to the property, to the users nor the usage have occurred, yet my monthly bill suddenly did. When I looked at the Conservice bill and compared it to the AUM bill, it became glaringly clear what is going on. AUM billed for sewer, water, trash and a $3.50 admin charge. Conservice, apparently, thinks nobody will notice an extra $13 for "water based on sqaure footage" IN ADDITION TO the sewer, water & trash already being billed! I'm paying for water twice?! When I confronted management here at the complex about this, their response was in effect "deal with it, there's nothing you can do about it". So, they're fully aware of what's going on. Do the math, roughly $156 times 200 apartments (a rough estimate. It's probably higher because I'm sure the larger apartments are being fleeced for more... Based on square footage remember!) is $31,000 in fees, free & clear! And this is legal?! Next stop, the BBB site to file a complaint and then the PUC.

Company: CONService
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Logan
Address: P.O. Box 4717
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Conservice Utility Management & Billing
Conservice Utility Management & Billing Outrageous charges for cold water, Heated water, Hot water, Water base charge, "service" fee


Conservice Utility Management & Billing
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Conservice Utility Management & Billing
ConService ConService - Another name for ConArtist

Conservice Major Rip offs

Conservice Utility Services
Rip off

ConService Utility Management And Billing
Has been overcharging me for 1 year 3 months and will not fix equipment nor rebate me overcharges

Double Billing REQUIRED

Con"Service Hoa Soultions
Excessive fraudulent billing