Prodigy Law Group
Homeland Support Services, Legal Support Solutions The Perfect Scam

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Hello Everyone,

Unfortunately, because I am a former employee of Prodigy Law Group, I can only speak to you on condition of anonymity. When I was an employeefrom Jan to Aug I was disgusted with how the Law Firm was run. Everything was upside down, we had kids working there making $25 an hour. You heard a lot of unethical activities going on such as the fraternization with employees by these so-called CEOs and there was prostitute on the staff making $5,000 a month by request of one of the attorneys.

However, as times were tight, and job prospects few, I could only bite my tongue and watch people getting ripped off literally, as I worked my commission job selling Loan Mods being on the phone from 7am to 8pm.

Places like this is a major source of employment out in California, especially during hard times like this and they still exist. Prodigy, however, went dead broke from what I hear and those looking for a refund, may never hear or get a word out of them but I can tell you this, the "real" people in charge belong in jail, andGary Patton is one of many.

It wasn't Gary who was in charge of the time when I was there, it was the non-attorney team of Eddie Brown, Marcus Averitt, Gil Mariscal, and Casey Froncek. Everyone who worked there knew they were in charge, they micromanaged everything. The irony is that they were also involved in the Lending Industry, such vile people.

All of them, Gil, Marcus, Casey, and Eddie are investors, so whoever they put in chargeof the firm, really had no say in internal fact some of my friends were able to transfer from sales to the Law Firm at the request of the Investors. I would also like to point out the non-attorneys cannot run Law Firms. The "firm" is a scam, a front for them siphon money from the desperate and 2009 was a big year as people were losing there homes, in fact, the group made close to one million in the month of July alone, my source in accounting has a big mouth.

Finally, as greed kicked in, there was a lot of infighting, people got laid off as I was the first wave, and finally, the union of "snakes" fell apart. Since time is short and I live in the Midwest now Iwill leave you people a list of key people who has a part or was part of this organization along with their former position titles and if you are looking for your money, they will know:

1) Marcus Averitt (CFO of Prodigy / Legal Support Solutions / Investor)
2) Eddie Brown (CEO of Prodigy / Legal Support Solutions / Investor)
3) Casey Froncek pronounced Fron-check (Non Attorney Investor)
4) Seth Heyman (ex Managing Attorney)
5) Gary Patton (New Managing Attoney since October)
6) Roweena Zarata (Head Accountant, I would also like to point out that she did not obtain a CPA)
7) Gil Mariscal (Sales / Investor)
8) Brian Hoang (Lead Tech Support)
9) Shavyl Hassim (Lead Case Manager)

They should all be brought into court and they would be accountable for any money that was taken from the clients. From what I hear, Prodigy no longer has money in their trust account and no, they have not been audited, at least I don't think they have been.

If you would like to contact Gary, he may be reached at the Best Western Hotel, 1-800-230-4134, ask for room 108 or Gary Patton's room, the staff can verify if he is there. All I know is that he is paying the "price" currently for his frivolous activities such a prostitution, fine dining, etc. How do I know this stuff? I have sources as I keep in touch with ex coworkers. Should no action be taken, this may very well be the perfect crime with one person being held accountable, meaning Gary, who has one foot in the grave and is the key to the truth.


Company: Prodigy Law Group
Country: USA
State: California
City: Irvine
Address: Von Karman Ave
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