Homeland Support Services / Prodigy Law Group, Marcus Avritt, Gil Marciscal
Homeland security services, gary patton, seth, gil Crappy company full of scammers, un legit lawyers that do nothing, unprofessional atmosphere, and a bogus success rate!

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Oi use to work for prodigy law grop on the quote on quote legal side. Theres actually nothing legal about this company at all. Their success rate as far as actually modifying consumer loans was so small i was just waiting for the federal trade comission to come kicking in the doors. The owners of the company could care less. Marcus who is the main owner, was too busy trying to get the lowest paid blonde female employees onto his boat with his buddies for the weekend. I always wondered how his wife feels about that. After work, marcus and eddie would take the blondes to the bar trying to get laid. Everyday at work customers call woundering if any progress has been made, and we would just bs them buying time. Eventually theyre home would be lost in a sherrifs sale. Now prodigy is trying to convert to bankruptcies since theyve burned so many people on their home loans. The manager shevyl hassim, is a total joke. Everytime a clients file is turned in to the lender, the case manager, and legal assistant make a 30 dollar comission. So many files were turned in completly incomplete. I personally quit because i knew it was a waste of time and a total scam. They charge 3000 dollars and to do something that a consumer could completly do themselves. Since i left, 5 others were fired including 1 manager. Ironically all the people fired were honest. All the cheaters and scammers are still there. Most are ex car salesmen. Allison guntherie came from a bmw dealership along with a few of her friends. Felisha who is a legal clerk, worked at old navy before her phesique landed her the job as a legal clerk at prodigy. I wouldnt want some unqualified sales clerk handling all of my loan docs and personal info. Prodigy law group is a total scam. Gary patton who is one of the main attorneys, likes to hire ex strippers as his assistant hoping totake advantage of theyre financial distress. For a woman to work for them they must include a picture with their resume. I personally worked for prodigy for about 3 months and saw countless people lose their homes due to prodigy law groups phony pratices. Gil and his wife have offices next door to eachother. She does i.T. But couldnt fix a paper jam in a printer. Like i said, i quit. Theres no dignity in lying to people 5 days a week. Think of all the families and children that have been talked into not paying theyre mortgage and paying prodigy to do bogus legal work. She would take the slutty blondes

Company: Homeland Support Services / Prodigy Law Group, Marcus Avritt, Gil Marciscal
Country: USA
State: California
City: Irvine
Phone: 8004951870
Site: prodigylawgroup.com
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