Frist franklin loan services
Bank of america conning greedy thiefs hartless

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I was told when we brought the place in two years we could refiance to a lower payment by a realtor name wade but the amount he said are morgage would be was diffrent after we sign the papers well he and his company disappeard two years later here is ff who we didnt read that they were our morgager ask if they would refianice our loan they said your proporty value has gone down we can't do that so we tryed looking for help well that help tolds us they could help we got behind found out he was a con artist and stole from alot of people so we went into are 401k to get back on track. Then we went to another company that help with modication we thought. Paid them 2000. Oo didn't get no help so we turn to an attorny be now ff is put our home up for auction he stop that because ff was suppose to be modif our loan not auctioning our home. So they a repile back to sign the paper in four days whitch two were weekend days we go there papers on a friday we sign for the fear of loseing our home it was a modifcation it was a repayment plan we didi everthing they ask they were going to modf after that did't happen they gave us a big balloon on our orginal loan our payment shot up a 1000. And some. More and we have been paying that my huband had to retire had back surgery and he's a amputie our income is less we are a month behind i dont want ant thing but a lower payment so we can keep our home that's all can't get that from ff why i don't no that's still paying your loan it's just lowering your payment. I live in ca if u just brought a home here u will never really own it so why not let us feel we do! I'm for a class action against ff. How about u. Sign nana

Company: Frist franklin loan services
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Pittsburgh
Address: 150 allegheny center mall
Phone: 18006225035
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