Canine Companions
Boarding kennel dog

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I left my dog at Canine Companions for a long weekend, starting on a Friday. Only that Wednesday, she'd been to her vet for her yearly checkup and was declared perfectly healthy. She is a young dog, extremely energetic, and in the bloom of life.

I picked her up from Canine Companions the following Tuesday. I took her home and thought she seemed kind of subdued that evening, but attributed it to being boarded, and being out playing with the other dogs all weekend.

The next morning she began to vomit and didn't stop. Since she is always into things, I wasn't that worried at first, until it becamse clear that this was something else. She was becoming dehydrated and then stopped being able to hold any water down. I called my vet, who told me to bring her in. After a thorough checking over, the vet admitted her to the hospital, where she spent the the next week. She required fluids, IV nutritition, and eventually surgery.

My dog is fine now, which is the most important thing. However, it was a close call.

When I called CC, at first to ask them if she'd shown any sign of illness, and then again to let them know of the seriousness of her condition, they were unconcerned. The person on the phone identified himself as the manager, and claimed that my dog had entered and left the facility in perfect health and he hoped that SHE hadn't passed anything on to the other animals.

I have since found several reports, on this site and others, of dog owners who have had the same experience with Canine Companions. Do not take your animals here, and do not do business with people who endorse this facility. They are unconcerned with the basic health and safety of your beloved pet.

Company: Canine Companions
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Bloomington
Address: 3409 S. Walnut
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