Rob Laux - Envious Ink
Scam artist, bad customer service, empty promises, liar, jack a

Shops, Products, Services

Rob Laux is a sad P.O.S. That takes advantage of people and employees and steals their money. I paid in full for a tattoo that never got finished. Basically I paid for expensive line work.

He made me all this empty promises of finishing my tattoo, and we made countless appointments. He missed all of them! When e finally would show up to one, he would tell me that he is busy with his new dvd and book that were coming out and had no time for me. Basically brushing me off.

I also gave him money as down payment for another 2 tattoos tht he never showed me sketches for! Now he closed up shop and changed his phone number. He is no where to be found! Luckly I was smart enough to save my receipt and will be seeing him in court soon!

I also contacted the local news about him, If this has happen to you as well I will encourage you to talk to the local new I'm pretty sure that we can get him out of hiding and respond to all that he has done!

Company: Rob Laux - Envious Ink
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Spring hill
Address: 3634 Commercial Way
Phone: 3526668282
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Envious Ink Tattoos
Rob Laux Rob Laux took my money and didnt finish my tattoo

Rob Laux
Is a con artist

Rob laux
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Rob Laux - Envious Ink
Scam artist not a tattoo artist

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Rob Laux con man-thief - liar!

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Never again

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Robert laux hes a women beater now he upgraded

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