Atrevete Magazine
Ms. Contreras Incompetent

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I had contacted Ms. Conteras of Atrevete Magazine witn a possible story.
Ms. Conteras advised me that my story could be published in a section of her magazine entitled "Atrevete a decir la verdad" which in english means "dare to tell the truth".
Since my story was about my negative experience with a well know entertainment company in Florida Ms. Conteras requested proof. She was provided with emails that backed up my story. This is where the problem starts.
Upon receiving my emails she told me that she would be reviewing them with her partner and that together they would decide when my story would be published.
After first being told that it was scheduled for an upcoming edition, Ms. Conteras then decided that they were not interested in doing my story. Fine. I simply requested that she return my package containing emails with sensative information. This is something I told her in the beginning. If for some reason you cannot do my story I will need my package and she gave me her word it would be returned.
For many months Ms. Conteras promise to return my package. The excuses were endless. Deadlines, moving, rearranging the office, I can't find them.
I spoke to her partner once and he told me my package was in the office and that he would speak with her about returning them. Two additional months passed.
Upon once again contacting Ms. Conteras about returning my personal material, I was told that she did not know where it was.
All I can say is... inCOMPETENT! Shame on you Ms. Conteras and ATREVETE MAGAZINE.

Company: Atrevete Magazine
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Allentown
Address: 213 West Tilghman Street
Phone: 6103519799
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