Job Success
RDG Careers Career recruitment fraud looking for candidates to pay fees

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I received a phone call from Susan at JobSuccess inviting me to an interview. Here is the transcript of the message: "Yes I am looking for (my name). My name is Susan from Job Successregarding your resume that's been received and fully reviewed. Please do callme back at 416-363-9245. Thank you." I called back promptly and wasimmediately suspicious. Susan did not have a specific job title or jobdescription that she was recruiting for. Since I am actively looking for work Idecided to pursue this cautiously and for the interview practice. I was toldthey needed approximately one hour for a first meeting. I offered that I wasfree Friday afternoon due to my company's summer hours, but also on Wednesday Ihad an 11am appointment downtown so could also meet before that. I wassurprised that rather than selecting Friday, she suggested I meet with them at10am Wednesday and she'd let "them" know I wouldn't be free for thefull hour. She asked me to bring along another copy of my resume. I am generally suspicious of companiesrecruiting without a specific job title or description. There are enoughcandidates out of work that most recruiting companies are not seeking moregeneral candidates. I also know that Workopolis, where my resume is posted, provides legit employers with a full resume. Therefore, I opted not to bring myresume along. This appointment was on my way and convenient compared to my 11ammeeting so I thought I'd just see what this was all about. First impressions of the office were OK, except for the creepy unhappy receptionist behind glass and obviously removedwall graphics (some parts of the company's former names had been peeled off thewalls leaving some strangely placed words out of context, like"Careers" off centre on one wall). I was clearly scoped out by a group ofintake workers behind the glass and then invited in for the first meeting. Thefirst questions were strange indeed. Am I married? How many years? What's mysignificant other's name? I declined to answer my partner's name. Istated that I was uncomfortable providing personal information without aspecific job opportunity to discuss. This prompted the the man, Don Lutzko Ibelieve, to write a lot down on his notes. Questions continued of a generalcareer nature and the discussion was interesting and thoughtful. It seemed hehad a genuine interest in my career but not any specific knowledge of me or mycurrent industry. He later admitted that normally he would preview a resume, but in my case he was meeting with me without this preview. Towards the end of my shortened meeting (since I had an 11am appointment nearby) the truth started to come out. I wastold that they normally like to book a second meeting during the first one, butin my case if I would call back later today that was fine. My spouse would berequired to come to the second meeting since what affects one affects both. Iwas told that there would be negotiable fees for their services, and then Donshowed me a questionnaire that would have been filled out, time permitting, that looked like a highschool guidance department career development tool. Upon leaving, Don put his hand on myshoulder and shook my hand. I left knowing this was a total scam, with zero intention to meet with them again. I am not desperate for work, but Ialso do not have several thousand dollars to part with. I felt proud that myinstincts were correct, but sorry for the three men sitting in the lobbywaiting for their 11am appointments... I couldn't even look at them. I amconsidering going back to that office next time I pass by to warn peoplewaiting for their appointments. When I got back to my office I Googled "job success" with little success, but then Googled "350 Bay Street" and found a wealth of scam reports such as this site. Pleasedon't waste your time going to 350 Bay Street 9th floor to meet with JobSuccess. It's a total scam.

Company: Job Success
Country: USA
Address: 350 Bay Street 9th Floor
Phone: 4163639245
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