Chris Scott Graham Partner Dechert LLP Silicon Valley Diana Moralez Melegrito
Diana Rodriguz, Contreras, Moralez, Melegrito Commercial Litigation, Intellectual Property Litigation Lawyer hires felon possibley given access to client info and beating up DV victims

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Chris Scott Graham - #114498

Employs Diana Rodriguez Contreras Moralez Melegrito, at his office. She is a convicted felon in Santa Clara County who embezzled funds from attorney Robin Yeamans and went to prison for 3 years and four months so I know per the court record and loan documents in which Diana has notarized Grant Deeds saying she is married to her brother
Benny Rodriguez that she is very skilled in crimes of moral turpitude. I contacted in Nov. 2009 both Patti Selan to ask if she notarized the document? And Graham as well to ask since Selan declined to answer. I explained to him based on Diana criminal history and incarceration I was suspect of that notarization and did not appreciate Diana trying to use
Usual means and modes of operation, fraud against me and my children. He said he didnt know if Selan notarized the document, and I sent to his email Dianas criminal history.

I made Mr. Graham aware of Dianas use of Patti D Selan another Dechert Employees Notary Stamp being used by Diana, (I believe fraudulently) however I could be wrong, (the idea came to me when I noticed that there was in loan documents for the house I was living in another document, that was notarized by another Dechert Employee Leslie Gates) on an affidavit that was submitted to Santa Clara County Court in case # 109CV158080, which I KNEW BEYOND ALL FACT CONTAINED PERJURY, I WAS A LITTLE UPSET, DUE TO THE FACT THAT IN ADDITION TO, TRYING TO EVICT MYSELF AND MY CHILDREN FROM A HOME SHE NO LONGER OWNED, SHE SENT, along with her attorney Francis Cole State Bar 219081, A CHILD MOLESTER FOR WHOM MY SON AND I WERE UNDER SUBPENA TO TESTIFY AGAINST TO SERVE ME THE PAPERS. My son his victim. The UD was composed by Diana and served to me, signed with or with out her brothers true signature however I doubt he signed it.

The most interesting part of it however is that the bank started evicting Benny on Nov. 5. Santa Clara County Case number is 109CV156746. Benny had a move out order from a judge since Oct. 6 for a domestic violence charge in criminal court in Santa Clara County Docket #CC957911, in which I was a victim. I took a glance at my California Constitutional rights and I felt offended that this was all happening. The house I was living in and been bought by Deutsche Bank in July neither Diana or Benny had any right to claim ownership or to evict anyone. Dianas affidavit of ownership of the house notarized with Selans stamp did however manage to get her in a situation with the City of San Jose Code Enforcement, directly following that I was served a TRO from a Yellow Cab Driver, not a sheriff on Dec. 9. I was not served what Diana had filed in court. That case # is 109CH002782. That resulted in a TRO being put in place until Dec. 29. Thru out the document Diana speaks of her Co-workers whom she doesnt name and her position at Dechert not of her true nature at the State Penitentiary rather than Penn State. So now not only am I forced to represent myself against this monster Graham employees, she is also using the prestige of the Dechert name to further her efforts to silence me for, having discovered that she gave herself a $145,000 gift on a sales addendum to the house I was living in, or rip off her brother Benny Rodriguez when in 2006 she put the house into her name. Benny could not qualify for a loan so Diana volunteered to help herself naturally. I attempted on more than three occasions to Subpoena Graham, Selan, and Gates before trial on Dec. 29th. The receptionist at Dechert had various reasons for not being able to contact them. Please see attached documents:
I find Graham lacking a moral compass in employing Diana a felon and giving her unfettered access to client information, and using her position at Dechert to brutalize my children and myself to cover her crime. The public safety from people like her and the people who employ her seems to be at risk. I do not appreciate a Corporate law firm that specializes in White Collar Crime giving Diana a brush up course while getting paid on how to screw over anyone! Let alone E-file for the Santa Clara County Courts on behalf of Graham. One would have to wonder after I provided all of this information to the DA on Bennys criminal case why she isnt telling you all of this instead of me???

Rule 3.4 D= advise or directly or indirectly cause a person to secrete himself or herself or to leave the jurisdiction of a tribunal for the purpose of making that person unavailable as a witness therein. I wonder if Graham will now in turn blame that on Decherts receptionist??? Who is in charge of Chris Graham if not Chris Graham?

Contempt of Court
Contempt of court is behavior that opposes or defies the authority, justice, and dignity of the court.
Contempt charges may be brought against parties to proceedings; lawyers or other court officers or personnel; jurors; witnesses; or people who insert themselves in a case, such as protesters outside a courtroom. Generally, however, contempt proceedings are categorized as civil or criminal, and direct or indirect.

1) Civil contempt generally involves the failure to perform an act that is ordered by a court as a means to enforce the rights of individuals or to secure remedies for parties in a civil contempt of court under civil contempt.
2) Criminal contempt involves behavior that assaults the dignity of the court or impairs the ability of the court to conduct its work. Criminal contempt can occur within a civil or criminal case. For example, criminal contempt occurs when a witness or spectator shouts or insults the judge during a trial. A civil contempt usually is a violation of the rights of one person, whereas a criminal contempt is an offense against society. Courts use civil contempt as a coercive power, wielding it only to ask that the contemnor comply with the courts' actions. Criminal contempt is punitive; courts use it to punish parties who have impaired the courts' functioning or bruised their dignity.
3) A direct contempt is an act that occurs in the presence of the court and is intended to embarrass or engender disrespect for the court. Shouting in the courtroom or refusing to answer questions for a judge or attorney under oath is a direct contempt.indirect contempt occurs outside the presence of the court, but its intention is also to belittle, mock, obstruct, interrupt, or degrade the court and its proceedings. Attempting to bribe a district attorney is an example of an indirect contempt. Publishing any material that results in a contempt charge is an indirect contempt. Other kinds of indirect contempt include preventing process service, improperly communicating to or by jurors, and withholding evidence.indirect contempt also may be called constructive or consequential contempt; all three terms mean the same thing.
The essence of contempt of court is that the misconduct impairs the fair and efficient administration of justice.

Company: Chris Scott Graham Partner Dechert LLP Silicon Valley Diana Moralez Melegrito
Country: USA
Address: El Camino Real Mt. View California
Phone: 16508134848
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