Farrah Tel Global Communication Company
Farrah Tel Com at Orlando, FL 32828 Cheating Company, get your money with NO service. Worst of the worst ever to deal with

Shops, Products, Services

This is my worst experience for long distance and international call company. They suck your money and you can't get it back. They force you to re-charge just to get your previous balance. No customer support, you could call and send messages and no reply. Fully recommend NOT dealing with this company. Every customer service tell you different story, just for you to come down but no one tell the truth. This is the worst of the worst.

My account was above $30 and i didn't did any calls and no it jump to be $6. They refuse to give me monthy report and they told me (after several times to reach to someone) that they upgrde teh system and all old customer info is missed up. To correct it, i need to pay $25 and they i may be lucky to get my correct balance. I also noticed taht every customer service told me different story and different execuses that i end up not beleiving any of them.

I refuse this re-chareg as i fully don't trust them and i'll take my legal action for this cheating company. I wish any lawyer could help me about this. Guys, this issue could happen to any of you. We need to stand against these cheating perople/company.

Company: Farrah Tel Global Communication Company
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Phone: 8888881774
Site: farrahtel.com
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