Online clothing
Stole money from my account for a fale orde

Shops, Products, Services

These folks charged my consideration for $411.99 for product that I never did rec eive not did I purchase from their website. And so they charged my consideration for $12.36 for offshore han ding. I never heard about theese people. I never received any product from their store lay all. I looked up their website and unearthed that they're a clothing shop for little and small people. I'm not small.

I've sent them-and delivered words for them that they declined to reply. Then I also foun d out that they're also merchants on, and so I approached plus they wrote me back and stated that they'd look after it simply because they didn't permit such methods on the website. I wrote them back and have them i they'd assist me get my cash back. I never heard from their website again and also the the next time I visited their website, it had been all scrambled up. And so I couldn't cope with to them, next time I visited them, it had been nevertheless sc ramb brought t ut I held scrolling along us til I achieved customer support, then I delivered them another mail.

I also co ntacted the FTC a nd delivered a duplicate of my bank record to show it.

Again, my lender wouldn't assist me with some of it. I really could not contact them apart from the methods I described by mail and published characters.

I survive social protection and that I can't afford to pay for $411.99 for something. hasn't assisted me in anyway both. This is actually the type of people they've addressing their website. I applied to-order, VHS and various issues from their store which may be how they got my charge card numbers. I've a brand new bill today,, Nor utilize it aside from one-bill I spend online. I usually believed was a great website and reliable, t ut I sure hav e chan ged my brain.

These folks took my cash, I never got something to exhibit for this and that I need my money back. They're thiefs and fraud artists. Like I stated, the only real thikng I will determine is basically because I purchased from, shop my info.

If you require anymore information from me, I'll w e significantly more than pleased to provide it for you. It was area of the iden tity theft that I had been a target of in April and Could. The financial institution held placing each one of these costs through on my account, when after being together for 24 years, all-they needed to do was look-back an n observe that nothing ever happe ned such as this beore on my account. I documented them towards the FDIC as well as they thought the financial institution Assistant Director, I published them back and informed them the notice they published in my experience allegedly from their analysis was all a rest. I've not seen back from their website by yet. The financial institution helped me with nothing. They actually got my entire social security impairment d heck to cover all the overages, however they did give me a provisional credit. Plus I acquired the mo ney back from all of the individuals who m ade the costs on my bill. The financial institution did n othing exc ept to express that I did so d ot provide them with enouh do cumentation so that they couldn't do an investigatgion. Afteer I delivered them 6 faxis of the own affadavit hich I stuffed and informed he reality on everything. Plus they were sent from their very own bank department. I switched everything to the FTC but have noticed nothing back. But I understand that they've huge weight of d om plaints, atleast I really hope that's what it's.

Should you require other things, please contact me at

Kathryn L. Stevenson

57 N. Somerville Likely. 206

Memphis TN 38104


Thanks again for-anything you certainly can do for me personally. Thse criminals have to w elizabeth ceased, everytime they get awway withit, it simply leaves them available to complete it to another person.

Company: Online clothing
Country: USA
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Amazon stole my money. Refuses to help

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