Boss Moving Service
No Call, No Show

Shops, Products, Services

Contacted company by e-mail and by phone. Several e-mails back and forth to confirm, and even a phone call. Day of move, called several times and no answer. Mark, I guess the owner of the company and the contact phone number, never called to say if something had come up, or they would not be able to make it.

Luckily another company was on site and finishing up a move and I was able to get it done MUCH cheaper. So it all worked out for me, but I wouldn't recommend anyone to depend on this company to be there when scheduled. If you need a move, call someone else!!

Company: Boss Moving Service
Country: USA
Phone: 2148158003
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Boss Moving Service
I am writing this to warn potential victims of Boss Moving Service. I called the phone number listed in the ad 214-815-8003 and scheduled a move for Sunday 2/14. I told the "owner" how important it wa Owner scheduled an appointment and then never showed

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