Valley Home Experts - Hal Fields
Valley Home Experts Hal Fields ripoff money will not give back money delay tactics

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I gave Hal Fields, owner of Valley Home Experts money to purchase two homes for me. I purchased one home and he used the money I gave him for a down payment, this was back in January and it's now October. I tried to purchase another and I have too much debt and was turned down for the loan in May.

I have decided that real estate investments is not making me any money, in fact I'm pretty worried about my financial situation; I can't sell my one property yet and I can't get a loan anyway. I asked Hal Fields two months ago for the money back. He tried to talk me into letting him sell my house and me purchasing another, I told him "No I done with real estate". I sent him a certified letter stating the amount he owes me, along with receipts of the money I gave him.

I have asked him numerous times to give me back my money, he always has an excuse why he can't give it back, sick, was in the hospital, family sick, family problems, working three jobs, and now he said he doesn't agree with the amount and his accountant is doing an audit. I was suppose to get this audit statement two weeks ago, it never will arrive I'm sure now. He wanted to fax me the statement, another delay since I don't have a fax machine.

Since it's been two months I have tried to get my money back unsuccessfully, it's finally time to do something different. Hal Fields is quite good at putting off things and trying to get sympathy from people so he can keep your money by his delay tactics, absolutely the worst real estate agent I have ever dealt with; but watch out he'll put on the blame on you as an investor.

I wonder how he invested my money all these months, he must be making some money off the money I gave him in January and trying to keep my money longer by using all these delay tactics, he has some system going on here.

Company: Valley Home Experts - Hal Fields
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Glendale
Address: 6350 W. Potter Dr
Phone: 6025263834
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