The Turnaround Business Developement Group
"Grant Scam"

Shops, Products, Services

Beware! This company is a SCAM from top to bottom. After extensive research on this company, we found that these guys were well-organized con artists. Im ticked off and dont want anyone else to get ripped off as well. To begin, services they provided were very disappointing. The business plan we paid for looked like it came out of a cracker jack box and the website was on a disk I had to upload into my computer. Then they called me back and tried to SELL me website hosting services for this cheap website since that wasnt included in the service. This service is a JOKE! I cant believe I went with them. I then wanted a refund, but the only time they are available is when it was time to take my money. Nobody answers the phone or returns my calls, Im tired of chasing them everyday to get my money back but HERE I AM. I cant believe they get away with telling all the lies they tell people. They told me theyve been in business since but according to the Better Business Bureau, thats another LIE! They have only been in business since March thats only 9 mos.!! Once I realized I was scammed, I went to Las Vegas to collect my refund on my GUARANTEED services to only find out that they are not located at their address, its only a mailing/processing center. I cant even get a hold of them, much less collect on my guarantee, what guarantee! This has turned out to be the worst and most frustrating experience of my life. The Turnaround business development Group isnt even their REAL NAME! According to the Nevada Sec. Of State this is a new D.B. A for Wisdom and Associates which also has a long list of SCAMED / RIP-OFFED customers. Like I said, I cant believe they get away with telling all these lies. I am tired of being ripped off by scum like this and we need to report this company and get them out of business. Since they have only been in business 9 mos., we need everyone they scammed to fax your case to the Bureau of Consumer Protection at (702) 486-3283. They are going to regret the day they ripped me off!!

Company: The Turnaround Business Developement Group
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 2920 N. Green Valley Pkwy
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Turnaround Business Development Group, Inc
Business plan writing, website development, online advertising, and grant application prep - 2b grant funded

Turnaround Business development Group, Inc
JRS Business Solutions I sent $18,000.00 for services rendered in order to get a grant for my business of $268,000.00

Turnaround Business Development Group
Employee "Mike Jackson" Failed in their scheme to scam small business owners in Texas

Gypsybug. Comgypsybuginc. Did not send said monthly checks x 2 months and will not return phone calls or certified mail requests for cancellation of accounts x 3

Infinity Logo Design
This Company will take your money, and then make you squirm for days and months... No Guarantee at Infinity Logo Design

Better Business Bureau
(BBB) protects businesses, NOT consumers!

Kensington Assistance Agency

Turn Around Business Developement
Consumer Report

Ventura IT
Host Bandit, Ripoff and Scam

Ids Grants
GRANTS FOR YOU, IN DEEP SERVICES Billed my credit card for $ 94.89 when I thought it was only going to be $ 1.99!