Gypsybug. Comgypsybuginc. Did not send said monthly checks x 2 months and will not return phone calls or certified mail requests for cancellation of accounts x 3


After calling, sending e-mail and finally certified letter to cancel, followed by phone call to confirm cancel, no return letter, email or phone call for 4 days from reciept of cert. Letter of cancel.

Company: Gypsybuginc
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Prescott
Address: 719 Gail Gardner Way Suite A
Phone: 9287171284
  <     >  


LA Fitness
Cancellation Policy

Lady of America
Cancel Membership

Lady of America Fitness
National Fitness Cancel your Lady of America membership? Yea right!

Golds Gym / ABC Financial
Unable to cancel $152 and counting

Premier global media / This company takes your money, then will not allow you to cancel. They will keep you on hold for hours in order to cancel. Then if you send them a certified letter, they will call you an dput you on h

Planet Fitness - Austin, TX
Oct. sent letter to cancel. Still charging my account in January. Called and was told they got the letter and would cancel. April - still being charged

LA Fitness
LA Fitness International Warning Notice Regarding their Personal Training Program

Diversified Collection Services
Repeated calls, has not accepted certified mail

Cancellation even by rules is impossible la grande & oregon

LA Fitness