Kross Inspectors
Kross Home Inspectors Did an Incorrect Home inspection

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We recently moved from New York state with our savings, hoping to move to Florida and get a home. Well once we got there we found the perfect home nice price and nice area in NorthPort FL, So we contacted a home Inspection company that our realtor said she used all the time in FL, The realtor was looking for homes for us. So she said to use Kross Inspectors in FL, Well I figured that would be great so I called them and set the appointment. The home was being lived in so I figured it would go smooth was I wrong. The inspector they sent (Mike Bynum) was very rushed and said he had to pickup his kids so he had to be done by a certain time? I ignored that, from the second he started working on the job, he was saying things like well I don't check all the windows one or two should be ok, or there was a crack in the outside wall of the house i pointed out he said it might be cracked behind the wall in suports but he doesn't knoe, I asked if he could check he said NO he did say however that I could hire someone or I could check. He said he couldn't check it I would have to, Next on the carpet in the lani which is like a sunroom there was black mold on a rug, I saw it, My wife saw it, and realtor saw it. When I asked look at that, the inspector said just rip it out and pour some bleach on it! That will take care of it. Then next he openned up the Air conditioner and looked inside he had to unscrew the unit, and check inside he remarks " It fine looks good no problems here " Well so then he asked for his check $350.00 paid the inspector but I was very unhappy. Shortly after that I called back Kross Inspectors and spoke to his boss,

Jim Kreider

2710 Del Prado Blvd

Unit 2165

Cape Coral, FL 33904-5787

(239) 677-4403

(239) 236-1398
Jim said he would come back out and check the crack on the wall and go over the inspection again. He came over and looked at the crack in the wall and said it looks ok. So we parted ways and all was good OR WAS IT, So after going on the word of so-called prfessionals we bought the home. The next day it was empty and we started to move in. We noted a moldly smell, So I called sevicepro & Quality Air of FL. They came over and looked over the home FOR FREE!!! Also the first person to arrive was Quality Air, They looked over the house and said you have a mold issue. Then thry openned the Air Conditioner " the same one the first Home inspector looked at " and the Quality Air professional said your loaded with mold, " Its gouing to cost $2100.00 " So we told him fix it, They are coming Dec 19 09 to clean & fix it. The next person to Arrive was Sevicepro FL They tested and looked over the house and also agree with Quality Air, The girl from Sevicepro didn't open the air conditioner because shes not " Qualified " to do it!!! But she checked with a thermal gun the walls, floors and other parts of the house. Very nice person. So heres whats up. If i would have know the house had a mold issue, I would have told the seller they have to fix it before I buy it. But because of some stupid unprofessional It cost me more They also never ran the water to see if it was sulphur smelling or brown which it was now more work.

I need all the help I can get if there are any lawyers or professionals that can help I would greatful. I called kross and they are ignioring me.


Help our Dreams of owning a home in Florida may have smashed!

Company: Kross Inspectors
Country: USA
Address: 2710 Del Prado Blvd S Unit 2165
Phone: 8774964662
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