MakeSunday, MakeSunday LLC, Ask Sunday LLC. Personal Assistant Job Offer, Asking for drivers license and bank account number

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Beware of the Ask Sunday impostor. They are imitating the real company Ask Sunday LLC, in order to rip off innocent people out there searching for work. I received a job offer through career builder for a Personal Assistant position. The job offered $31,200 annually along with 401K, medical benefits, etc... All this to work as a Personal Assistant part time. I thought, well this could be a great opportunity, but it sounds a little fishy.
The first thing that tipped me off was the person who sent me the second e-mail (first e-mail was through Career Builder) used a yahoo e-mail address. He claimed to be an HR manager for Ask Sunday. From my experience any company that has there own website is going to use an e-mail address through there own domain name. It should be something like The second thing that tipped me off was that he asked for a copy of my license.

Country: USA
State: New York
Address: 410 Park Avenue 15th Floor
Phone: 5105880463
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AIt is a scam company. They hire employees to work at home for personal assistant... Finally, they want bank account and credit card account

Thomas Moore - Peter Moore Confirmed Ripoff by dirty imposters

Thomas Moore - REO Professor
Thomas Moore This company is a total FRAUD! The real asksunday has a legitimate website as well as contact information. They also contacted me through and at first everything looked legit. But

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