Sales Success International
Sean Downing Sean Downing He's a scam artist in a cheap suit

Shops, Products, Services

Sean Downey, owner of Sales Success International is a complete fraud. He came and spoke to our group, indicated he'd been trained by several of the nationally known sales training guru's etc... I thought, to myself, hmmm if he's really this successful, why is he wearing such a cheap, ill fitting suit. Should have been clue number one. But, in my desire to be come a better salesperson, I signed up for his training. The second clue, was the first training session to be held that next week, was "rescheduled". Although I never received notification of that. I found out via word of mouth that it was rescheduled for today 12/3/09 at the Irving Arts Center. I have discovered the seminars were never scheduled at the Arts center, for either event. Also, when I received my credit card bill, I had been charged twice for his services. Once through paypal with a tag of Salescons... Which I might have overlooked, save for the large amount, and the 2nd charge through his company. I got the first paypal charge removed immediately, thank heavens, directly through my CC company, as I never heard back from multiple calls to SSI. I've never been contacted directly by SSI to be notified of cancellations/changes / etc... Nor had any of my calls/emails returned. Seems he's making his rounds through TX. Beware all.

Company: Sales Success International
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: PO Box 660675
Phone: 2145506632
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Sales Success International / Sean Downing
Sean Downing Scam Artist, Will not respond, Double charge on account, Contact information not working

Sales Success International / Sean Downing
Promised a Seminar on 10/22/09 at Irving Arts Center, rescheduled the week of and will not contact us for a refund. Have sent several emails, and made numerous calls, no response, except to one when

Sales Success International / Sean Downing
Sean Downing Sean Downing Took $500 from four REALTORs in my office in Chandler, AZ and disappeared — no unlimited training for us!

VIP Hosting
OKC business Network Sales Sucess International / Sean C. Downing

Sales Success International
Sean Downing Continuing Ripoff Las Vegas/Houston/Dallas

Sales Success International / Sean Downing
Sean Dowling, rip-off, scam, false promises, fake seminars, omar periu

Sales Success International / Sean Downing
Disapearing Scam Artist

Sales Sucess International / Sean C. Downing
SSI, or SSN for Sales Sucess Now Never delivered a seminar. Won't respond to emails or v-mails. If credible, why can't he afford a response?

Sales Success International / Sean Downing
Sean Downing Scammed me out out of money, wrote bad checks to my account

Charles Downing
Selling power seminar take your money and run! Do not fall for this scam!