Idearc Media LLC Verizon
Verizon Yellow Pages Directories,, and SuperpagesDirect We've never heard of this company yet they sent us a bill for 1,980.28

Shops, Products, Services

We've not heard of this company and would never sign up for this service even if we had heard of it. We are NOT INTERESTED at all, in this sort of service.

Yet, they've sent us a bill to our address but addressed to some company name that I suppose they made up. The bill is for $1,980.28. There's even a previous balance for $1,476.76. News to me. Current charges for advertising $490.00

Out of curiosity I went to their website and did a search for the company name they sent this bill to. It has our address (a home address by the way since we do not have a company) and info about some company that offers services that I assure you, nobody in my family can provide.

I wish to have answers to how they can do this. Do they expect to just send out thousands of these bills and some folks will just pay it because they don't want to deal with the stress of investigating what it's all about? That's what I think they're doing.

I have to much going on in my life to dedicate time to this. I'm obviously not going to pay it.

Company: Idearc Media LLC Verizon
Country: USA
State: Texas
Address: P O Box 610830
Phone: 8002693488
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Idearc Media /
Verizon super pages idearc and verizon are liars & thieves Dont pay!

Idearc Media - Verizon Yellow Pages
Idearc Media - Superpages Automatic Renewal Ripoff!

Idearc Media
Unauthorized charges

Idearc Media
Corp. The Official Publisher Of Verizon Print Directories Fraudulent billing Dallas Internet

Idearc Media -
Verizon Superpages Advised they Canceled Servie then billed us for it 3 months later using collection agency

Idearc Media Super Pages
Just wants your money, and does NOT care about customer complaints or problems

Verizon Superpages - Idearc Media
Verizon Superpages Idearc - Media Telemarketing scam ripoff

Idearc Media
Superpages 3rd Party Sales Rep I was duped by Idearc Media into a 1-yr contract Internet

Idearc media superpages com
Trying to collect on a bill and we never even heard of this company!

Idearc Media Verizon Yellow Pages SuperPages ZERO Return
False Claims, Fraudulent Business Practices, and False Advertising