Smokehead Shop
Extreme price gouging

Shops, Products, Services

Compared to any other head shop in Texas, Smokehead shop is extremly overpriced. 45$ for whippits is Crazy!!! Detox, glass, even cigarettes are marked up beyond reason in this store. $109.00 tax for and ICE detox that is around 60-70 online.

Also the service was wretched. A man named Ike just kept talking like he was on crack and wouldn't even listen to what i was saying. He kept trying to sell me items i did not care for (such as dildos and penal enlargment pills). I urge everyone in Lubbock to boycott the Smokehead shop and buy your stuff online or in Austin where prices are legitimate.

Company: Smokehead Shop
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Lubbock
Address: 1619 University Ave
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Smokehead Shop
Scamming thieves who hire carney folks for employees who will rob you quicker than the store does

SmokeHead Shop
Thieves, over priced, price gouging, illegal profits, whippits, whipped cream chargers, head shop

Smokehead Shop
Selling Items in their own packaging instead of manufacturer packaging
Cost friendly cigarettes online

Family Dollar
Cigarette-shop.Biz online cigarettes

Wal-Mart #366
Not honoring thier prices

Cheap cigarettes, cheap-cigarettes-shop.Biz
Consumer Report

Family Dollar

Lambert and butler