Wal-Mart #366
Not honoring thier prices


Me and my husband were shopping in wal-mart and the price flag said Lays chips $ 1.98 and they rang up $2.98 and i went back and they said that they were $2.48 so there is 3 diffrent prices and the csm would not let us have them for the $ 1.98 price like it was priced so i got the money back and left upset that they would do a customer that way that is not good bisnesse practices. My grandfather owned a grocery store years ago and he had to sell it at what it marked even if it was the wrong price he pleased his customers this makes me not want to shop there anymore i think that i should be compansated for my time and agervation and have to go else where to shop...

Company: Wal-Mart #366
Country: USA
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Wal Mart
Ripoff dishonest workers and CSM's about prices and policys

Non Existent PR / Community Relations, Excessively high prices, Low Quality Merchandise, RUDE Employees, Dishonest Company All Togethe

False advertising!

Wal Mart
Wal Mart


Consumer Report

Price diffrence beteen 2 stores 3 miles apart. Ripoff

Price Adjustment

Publix grocery store
Price Gouging Rampant Here melbourne Internet

Bed, Bath & Beyond
Bed Bath and Beyond / Bed Bath & Beyond