Theft Protection Services
Did not agree to deduct $33.98 from account refund wanted Central Village connecticut nationwide

Shops, Products, Services

$31.98 withdrawn from account. I did not authorize this. Would like refund as soon as possible. 07/22. This occured 06/29

central village, Connecticut

Company: Theft Protection Services
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8002077904
Site: id recover
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Theft Protection Service
Idtheftrefundstatus Sad that a theft protection service rips you off! Theft Protection Services is a scam!

Andrea woodard
Id protection services

ID Theft Protection Services
Tavos Group of Companies, Tavos, LLC, Protected ID Mgt., Secure Identity Services and ID Protection Services. Took $33.98 out of my account without me agreeing or knowing

ID Theft Protection
Refused Refund

ID Theft Protection
Did not authorize, refund my money

Identity Theft Protection
Withdrew funds from my checking account after I declined there offer now 90.00 nsf at bank

ID Protection Services
Created A Check In My Name And Stole Money From My Bank Account Theft of funds, Dishonest Practices, Illegal Activity

Id Theft Protection
Last chance, TrifectaCard I signed up for a loan from Last Chance. I then got a email from id theft protection. They canceled my account but took 33.98. They will not refund it. I did NOT know I signed up for this

Identity Theft Protection - ID Theft Protection - Last Chance Cash Advanced - - TrifectaCard
Identity Theft Protection - ID Theft Protection/Last Chance Cash Advance/ ID theft unautorized debit out of my checking account

ID THEFT PROTECTION. Last Chance Cash Advance
ID THEFT PROTECTION, Last Chance Cash Advance