Sti Calling Cards
Sti Mobile sti nyc calling cards suspicious connectivity practices

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I heard for a couple of years my mom complaints about this card and always thought she was not good with the technology. Now she is not with me and I am calling her in Argentina. This is the second time I paid attention to where the minutes/credits go.
I dial the locar number to access service. I know there is a price for it. After I dial the international number I wish to call and the recording announces that I have 2hours 57 min for the call and I can get them fully in one single call.
I usually speak to everyone in the household, so I am looking forward to at least two hours of this. But after 12:25 the call drops, suddenly everything is silent and dead. I call again and this time I have two hours and 20 min. You do the math. It drops again after: 48. Call again and drops again after 12:02.
I think "my land phone is bad" Use my cellphone. Call again and drops at 8:13. I assume the number I am connecting to is malfunctioning and switch to a second number. Drops at 11:50. To finish my call I dialed three more times after this chance and they dropped invariable at the same mark: 12:06,12:20,12:14... See the pattern? I added the minutes up and out of 177 promised minutes I got 81:18. Less than 50% of what you paid for.
I called the company and they told me that I disconected from all the times I called. Of course. And I wonder if the FCC looks into their logs how many millions of users are to blame for the same and how many millions STI is robbing people of. I see the pattern of less than a quarter of an hour. They take your money away and the jobs are not even in the US!!! I couldnot help thinking of the millions of consumers that never say anything and get 50% less of what they pay for. STI is dropping the calls to take credit away with the so called connection fee.
I am going to tell this to everyperson I see buying a card at the store from now on. Dont give your business to STI. They are fraudulent.

Company: Sti Calling Cards
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York City
Phone: 8007681207
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