Port City Coin And Jewelry

Shops, Products, Services

I created a purchase from PORT-CITY COIN AND JEWELRY. These were designed to Send my purchase in my experience. After I approached them about my purchase they explained it had been shipped that "I must be patient". After many more times after I approached them again, I had been cursed out. I had been named a cheat, criminal, liar and cursed subsequently published this slander on the web. I've never been handled in this way with a vendor. This informs me they never shipped my purchase. Why otherwise might they consider this type of defensive stay quickly, in the place of problem or create an effort to assist the client like every truthful company might wish to accomplish.

Company: Port City Coin And Jewelry
Country: USA
State: New Hampshire
City: Port City
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Gets. cn
I will never order from this company again

Patriot Coin And Jewlery
Patriot coin & jewelry lies about refunding money

Never, never buy from a vendor like this

Lia Sophia
Teresa Chelette No Jewelry

False advertisement!

National Collector's Mint Inc
I ordered the buffalo coin & never got it plus im being charged for another coin i never ordered!

National Collector's MInt
Dont but the buffalo coin

Did not receive item

Ebay seller fraud

Scam and cheating