Cmi Aka Credit Management, Lp
CMI - CREDIT MANAGEMENT, LP trying to collect money on 3 different bills that have been paid in full for 6 years. They lie theraten, yell all kinds of nasty things. They say they will take you down

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Somehow they have 3 different accts they are trying to collect on and they all have been paid in full for over 6years. 2 of which never had a late payment the other one was a bill a roomate put in my husbands name and never said anythng would get the mail we never saw the bill until they moved out once we did we had it investagated and it was easier to pay the 200.00 bucks then fight with the company trying to prove it was not ours so all are paid in full. They told me they would take me down if i didn't pay and would call me until I was crazy. Surprised them I unloaded on them told them i was already crazy and sent a letter of stop harrassment. But more mail came last week. What a racket this is

Company: Cmi Aka Credit Management, Lp
Country: USA
State: Texas
Phone: 8003777723
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Source Receivables Management
Purchased by NCO PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT Trying to collect on an account that paid in full over 17 years ago

Source Receivables Management
NCOFinancial systems Paid an AT&T account 2 yrs. Ago and they are still harrassing by phone and by mail

Jerold Kaplan Law Office P.C. - Midland Credit Management
Jerold kaplan law office for midland credit management two court type cases filed for one case that was paid now want collect on second one

Superior Asset Management
Paid in Full Still turned into credit report as owed 4 years late

Capitol Acquisitions And Management Company
Capitol Acquisitions And Management ripoff Trying to collect a debt that is already paid in full

Macys likes to stop sending staments to jack up late fee's when its already been paid in full

West Asset Management
Wrongful Billing and Harassment

Arrow Financial Services
Ripoff try to collect on credit card bill that was paid over 5 years ago

West Asset Management
Fraudulent billing. 3 months and counting. Attempting to collect an already paid debt

Fingerhut-rjm Acquisitions Funding Llc
Midland credit management trying to collect on Fingerhut bill settled in feb 06