Suffolk County Family Court


I need HELP! My daughter lived w / me her WHOLE LIFE from 2-16 yrs old, wherein I raised her as a single parent. Her father is a doctor & was FORCED to pay child support by me taking him to court over MANY years. When my daughter turned 16, she decided the grass was greener @ dirt-bag's house. He promised her a new car, her own room & exchange, I had to sign over custody to dirt-bag, so he didn't have to pay child support to me anymore. I did so, reluctantly. A year later, at age 17, and in her senior year of high school, dirt bag kicked her out of his house. He drove her to my house late one night w / all her things strewn on my lawn in Hefty Bags. Although he physically relinquished custody by throwing her out, he refused to give me LEGAL custody. When I turned to my lawyer & Suffolk County Family Court, this DIRTBAG Judge REFUSED to change custody back to ME because he said it would "help my ex husband get out of paying for his daughter's college expenses!" What is HAS Done is prevented me from collecting ANY child support from this dirt bag, because even though she STILL lives w / me while not at college, & I still have to pay ALL her expenses ALONE, HE has legal custody. I have forced him to pay for her college tuition alone (it's MUCH LESS than the child support he'd owe!!!) but I am unemployed for 6 months after 9/11 & suffer from physical ailments that prevent my working full-time. I still am responsible for 100% of my daughter's care because she lives with me! I drove her to college, unpacked her, picked her up, pay for her expenses, and food, and clothing. I told her to get a part-time job. Her father SHOULD be helping! Any ideas? My child support agreement originally called for him to pay her child support til she's 21. I've gotten ZERO from him since she turned 16 years old. She's now almost 19. Because this short-sighted judge in Suffolk County screwed me in the long run, I feel I have no recourse. Any help out there? I'm broke. My lawyer charged me $1500 for getting me NOWHERE.

W. Islip, New York

Company: Suffolk County Family Court
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Central Islip
Address: Central Islip, NY
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