West Asset Management - Qwest Communications
Misrepresentation of terms and costs and harrassment by collection agency Qwest Communications Denver, CO West Asset Management

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In end of February I contacted Qwest about DSL service. I was told it would be about $40 per month for DSL service total with modem, with discounts for first three months to cover installation. I set up for online billing. A few days later I made change in service and they changed my billing number.

I waited for several weeks and did not get a statement online so I called and was told not to worry about it that I would be getting one. Three weeks later I get disconnection notice for a bill over three times what they originally told me. I called them and was told that the bill was correct and that I had to pay many different charges than was originally explained to me and that some months later I would get rebate credits. This was NOT the original explanation to me. I told them to cancel my account.

A few days later I start getting calls from West Asset Management and I told them I was not going to pay what I did not owe and that the whole thing had been misrepresented to me. I also told them to stop calling me. Since then I have received 4 more calls from them and each time I tell them the bill is not legitimate and to stop calling me.

Qwest Communications did not represent things accurately when I signed up and I did not receive a written explanation until after the service was connected and I was according to them obligated for a two year contract. They did not mention that fact up front. Now they want to charge me over ten times what I should have been billed for on the first bill. And now I am being harassed every few days by their collection agency West Asset Management even though I have told them repeatedly not to call me anymore.

Qwest Communications is apparently continuing their fraudulent practices they were charged with as Pacific Northwest and Frontier.

I have also filed complaints with the Washington State Utilities Commission and the FCC and the FTC and nothing happens. Guess the monopolistic corporations get a pass when it comes to fraud.

Company: West Asset Management - Qwest Communications
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Site: www.westassetmanagement.com
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