Michael Tall - Tall Exclusives, Home Product Solutions
Michael Tall - Tall Exclusives, Home Product Solutions DO NOT PURCHASE MERCHANDISE FROM THIS VENDOR

Shops, Products, Services

November 30 I purchased two pairs of PJ's online for Christmas Presents. They had some funky shipping issues and it required me to go to the post office and pick them up. After Christmas when they didn't fit who I purchased them for I returned them to the address on the website asking them to send me the next size. Two weeks go by and the box was returned "undeliverable - No such address". I contacted Tall Exclusives and a very obnoxious woman asked me if I had be "authorized" to return them... I replied No that I had not explained the situaiton and she gave me another address for a company called Home Product solutions. So I sent the package UPS with return reciept to that address. Another two weeks go by and I call them. This same rude woman stated that she never received the package and called me a "liar" stated that " How do I know you haven't kept the PJ's and jsut claimed to return them?" I provided her with the UPS tracking number as well as who signed for them, date and time. She called me back and said that the tracking number didn't exist. I contacted UPS again and it sure did! This woman argued with me and sent nasty emails to me (which I have saved along with the UPS paperwork) She told me in one of the emails that "I would hate being married to you"... Keep in mind I am the customer. I don't have my product. THey put a bogus physical address up and I couldn't even send the prooduct back properly. NOW they are saying they dont have. I went to BofA and reported it. They credited me the $110.

Last week I recieved notice from BofA that this company sent me a money order. The MO copy was attached. It was also BOGUS. Never received. They are under investigation again by B of A. Seven months later... No resolution to this problem. They are a shady company and the woman who answers the phone with the strong NJ accent is seriously nutty and rude. Dont use this company

w. P
Fountain Valley, California

Company: Michael Tall - Tall Exclusives, Home Product Solutions
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Montclair
Address: 557 Valley Road
Phone: 8623685339
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Michael Tall
Tall Exclusives Repeatedly refused to send me my purchased (in full) product after I asked when the delivery date would be.internet

JC Penny
JC Penny's Disrespects Tall, Blind Grandpa - Customer Service

I am out 138.00 plus 16.50 shipping. Now i got another order i placed after 50 days, and its not the right item

Deb Shop

And Big and Tall catalogue rip-off!

Millwork dept in Lowes store in Abilene - Sliding screen doo

L.L. Bean, Inc
Big Tall

Your add is completly descriminatory because considereted that small people can't be succeful a least get tall and that image that your company still selling is totally wrong and unfear
Consumer Report

Apex Aquarium
These guys do not know what they are doing!

Cydcor - DS-Max - Stafford Business Solutions
Cydcor - DS-Max, Stafford Business Solutions Beware! Philadelphia residents of Stafford Business solutions. It was MC Marketing Solutions beforehand. A Cydcor office scam