First Consumers National Bank
Ripoff slick sly sneaky think ttheir smart Portland Oregon 97208

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To establish creditaditability in 7 i openen a secured account. Thier slogan [they match any deposit made]my first depossit 150. When applicatio was sent 39 filing fee sent 40 dollars. Remaining the first transation 61.50 cash advance 8.28 insurance 3.00 finance. Payment sent before first statment 100 debit. 72.78 remaing27.22 add the 1 balance 28.72 they added 39.99 miscellanious totaled 112.97 took the hundred dollar payment had me owing 12.97hey took 52.96 from my deposit left 98 as a depositthan took the 12.97 from that and a 3.16 finance from that left me 81.77the next statment they posted 41.53 and the only transaction i made 8.28 and left me 31.66. They than decided to post 29.90and left me 1.76. Let me remind you my entire debit paid and 28.72 is over paid. And 150 is my deposittotal of my money 178.72next 93.28 my transactions 70paymentremaing 5.44 because i took the remaing 28.72 and sub tracted first. My deposit 150 total deposit 300 add over paid 5.44 total 305.44. Next transaction total 172.78 payment175 and the 5.44 total 180 remaing 8 dollars next 108.28payment 100/20 10 remaing30.28deposit 200/100 total deposit600 total 630next 16.56 remaing 13.44deposit 300 western uion lost card total deposit 900 over paid 13.44no more transaction and new card recieve 3 payments and deposits still sent money order and western union only all transaction paid additional 250 231 240 total 721 500 deposit 200 payment 400 deposit 100 payment payment 1121 deposit 1800. Total 2921 by 4 add the 30/40/43/total 1234 add the 50 1284total by 6 3050 next payments440/200/100/60/40 29/22/222.50 refunded western union total 855 add the 1284 total 2239 add the secured deposit never touched 1800 because all payment sent before transaction total 4039and for nov i paid one lump sum 2700/71 12 300/100 total 3171tot7210 with out adjustment additional payment 2002 1470 t0tal 8680 my balance in 2001 for 12 271 for 11 1529 total 1800remaing 6880 2 balance1044left 5836 qver paid 3171 /1800 deposit remaing 818and this balance of cash paid the 529 cash advance and the parking tickets total 232 and the 39.80 credit reports and the insurane 16.56 leaving 5.64 at this point they owe me my over payment 3171 for 2001 and securd deposit totaled at 1800 in 4 total 4971 and from the first paragraph they duplicated only thing is they tried to say deposits return that were sent by money order whe that didnot work they applied duplicacate ccharges and ignored disputes all of which manny letters were sent and for 2002 i made not transactions at all and they post a balance of 2655 and let me re mind you in 2 in stead of posting the balance i deposited 900 the posted 937 as a debit and added the 1880 deposit to it and told me i owed them 2737 so i sent 2771 in november hoping hat they would recorgnize the someone is stealing. They refused to refund my secured deposit

Company: First Consumers National Bank
Country: USA
Address: Fcnb
Phone: 8008763262
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Consumer Report

NCO Finance & Citicards
Academy & National Finance ripoff, sent same balance after two payments made of $75.00, paid almost $7000.00 and charged $2000.00

Discover card company
Fraudulant billing & non credited payments or canceled purchase abused & mistreated ripoff business from hell internet de

Sofa Show Case
Sofa showcase stealing my money! No sofa & no refund

International Business Opportunity Groups
Consumer Report
Consumer Report

Capital One Credit Card
Closed the account june and used my security deposit of $400 continue to bill me a past due fee of $25 per month since last june consumer rip-off fraud

Household Finance Corporation-Christopher Wallace
Household Finance Corporation - Christopher Wallace 6/21/04 loan $17,780 paid $13,106 as of 7-14-07 Bal:$19,783.08? 3 years later?

Wellsfargo Bank
A total ripoff company Tucson arizona

U.S. Bank
Charged overdraft fees for transactions that occured when I had a positive balance, and held a cash deposit and manipulated debit transaction dates to charge more fees