Morgan Beaumont Aka American 1st Visa
Ripoff false promises, deceptive dirty ripoff liars

Shops, Products, Services

On April 18th, a company named Morgan Beumont, aka Amercan 1st Visa, took $49.95 out of my checking account for an application fee for a debit Visa card. Today is May 19th and still no Visa!!! I have called all phone numbers provided on their site, and they were very rude to me and kept on sending me to one person or another.

I have also written many e-mails demanding an answer, but I get no reply... What a surprise huh? I am very pissed off, and I want my money back. If anyone else has had this problem, please let me know. I feel so used because I have never had this done to me before.

I hope that this company gets what is coming to them in a big way. I want my money back and I want them to pay for what they have done. I hope someone out there can give me some insight on what to do. I am going to call the BBB tomorrow to report this scam. I hope they don't take it lightly.

I know now not to trust anyone, especially on the net because you have no idea who you are dealing with most of the time. I hope I get some response to this post soon. Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this!

Company: Morgan Beaumont Aka American 1st Visa
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Sarasota
Address: 2520 Trailmate Drive
Phone: 9417532875
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