Mabel White Home Living Corp
Mabel White Home Living Corp Money Taken - No Product Delivered Internet

Shops, Products, Services

After having ordered and paid for a craft for my daugher's birthday party, Mabel White has repeatedly ignored my emails inquiring about the whereabouts of my order.

When I asked about some 'extra' shipping charges to Canada, Mabel was able to respond within minutes, but when I asked about how long an order would take to arrive at a Canadian address, there has been silence.

Although Mabel has an account with PayPal, this is not a guarantee that the company one is ordering from is on the up and up. I knew I was taking a risk and now I have to pay.

Is Mabel White a legitimate business or just another fraudulent internet scheme?

Calgary, Alberta

Company: Mabel White Home Living Corp
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Mabel White Home LIving Corporation
The product never arrived

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Fraudulent charges - If you pay by Credit Card BUYER BEWARE!
Questionable Business Practices