Steve Pell Law Offices Of Steve Pell
The (so-called) law firm of steve pell ruined my life! And how I stood up and successfully sued for malpractice...!

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I had a HORRIBLE life-changing NIGHTMARE experience with The (so-called) Law Offices Of Steve Pell. They ruined my life. I recomend finding a lawyer that is interested in helping not in taking the money and then... Never returning a call...

His assistant convinced me they could solve my problem with $3,500. His assistant PROMISED Steve would make sure that I wouldn't lose my driver's license over a simple cs issue. And it was months before the deadline in which I could lose my license. I had a simple case of showing proof in court, and yet STEVE PELL NEVER did a thing! Nothing!

Never even returned a phone call... The office help would just brush me off the phone saying he's working on it... But days turned to weeks and weeks turned to days... And then months! No return call!

I couldn't believe I trusted this lawyer who took my money like a common crook, not because he was recommended but because I had seen him on the back of all the phone books... (Now I know where he gets the money for those ads!) so I believed them during the slick consultation, that Pell could easily assist me on this case.

But I never got to see him. Never! He never returned my calls. Nothing... Just took my hard-earned money and disappeared!!! Even when I sued him for malpractice the wimp didn't show! He must have been ashamed at what he did to me, and now I've uncovered scores of other mistreated ex-clients with their shocking stories to hear!

You're taught at a young age to look up to the court system. To believe that honesty will win out. The last hope of fairness for the mistreated and downtrodden. To be represented by a lawyer should be an honor. I was raised to believe in lawyers. Steve Pell changed my belief system instilled in me from my father-He took the money and never did a thing, like a crook, but far worse-this was the counsel I had turned too!

Steve Pell ruined my life.

I ended up LOSING my driver's license that summer! This could have been prevented had STEVE PELL or his assistant (Who I later found out was NOT even a lawyer!). ALL THEY HAD TO DO WAS simply file my papers. Imagine the frustration of trying to get to work in taxis and the bus, let alone the embarrassment of walking and catching rides from friends. A NIGHTMARE!

Lied and cheated They lied to me about solving my problem. They cheated me out of services paid so they stole from me. Guess what?! The STATE BAR agreed and I got a refund check. So this is all true documented and the facts! Steve Pell, ha! The lawyer I turned to in need, RUINED my life, my reputation, my relationship. He ruined my life.

But what a costly mistake it is when you pick a crooked lawyer. Your life could crumble away while you try to stay afloat like mine did. Have you ever been hungry and wanted to go to the store to get something to eat but yet you couldn't even use your car because a lawyer you paid all your bank account too didn't do anything to help you? It's a terrible, lonely feeling. I hope nobody goes through what I wwent through.

At least the STATE BAR agreed... MALPRACTICE! I keep a copy of the check he was forced to write me as a reminder that the little guy can win. Maybe if we all posted our hearts out on the internet these crooks would be forced out of business.

What happened to Pell because of this action? Did they pull his license? Because he promptly put up a PELL REAL ESTATE sign... Haha! Can you imagine him taking all those commissions from your house..? Whew! Watch out for the small print!

Happy to send you this ACTUAL case paperwork on request. Nobody should hire a bad lawyer. I guess my dear father was right. I still hold fast to the American dream and the belief that the court system IS ultimately fair and congruent, and that honesty DOES win out!

Documentation gladly emailed on request!!! Ask for GEORGE... Thank you everybody-and tell your story!!!

Company: Steve Pell Law Offices Of Steve Pell
Country: USA
State: California
City: Ventura
Address: 2633 Loma Vista
Phone: 8056536615
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Steve Pell Law Offices Of Steve Pell
Lack of honesty/Pricing from seat of their pants-Lied about doing my SSI-Cost me thousands

University Of Phoenix
Tired of getting the run around about my Pell Grant money in whuch UoP has never sent me for the 07 award year still

Pell Technology, Inc
Won't honor warranty 1 day after it expired

Willowview Kennel
Mike&kathy pell she never did give me akc papers

University Of Phoenix Axia College
I was lied to, my transcript is held hostage, I can't attend a real school until they release my transcript

Salem International University

University Of Phoenix
Axia on line Would not apply my awarded Pell Grant for $2775.00 towards the class that I failed for $1225.00 and now I cant return to class until this is paid. I was attending the University on student loans and

Loran Steve Lory
Steve Lory. Steven Lory Childrens Depency Lawyer Steve Lory Worst Attorney Alive-Con do not hire! Liar lazy slimball

American commercial college
My total tuition was 12,700 to go to school for a medical assistant. Recieved 2 pell grants = 6,069, & 1 loan = 9,500 & another = 1,625. Waiting for another pell grant =4,012. I got 3,000 expence $

Salem International University
Awful situation