Sprint PCS
Ripoff and Shake Down Los Angeles California

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Impossible to unsubscribe, they gave me credit then took it away, then kept billing me and collecting money though collection agencys, the agencies all said pay or get bad credit, in March Sprint collected that bill 2 times plus late fee. This has been going on for 1 year and 7 months. My subscription was satisfied on Jan. 03 2006.

See: Spint's email below.

Re: ID# 20080218190128 (KMM46639155I80L0KM) Monday, Feb. 18 9:55 PM

Sprint Customer Solutions - eCare1 wrote:
Dear xxxxxxx,

Thank you for your reply.

I understand you had requested to close the account in July but it was not done. I sincerely apologize for all the inconvenience.

Please write back to me with the confirmation and I will cancel the account from my end.

Further, on reviewing your last 7 invoices I noticed that you had not used the services since July.

Considering the situation, I have applied the total credit of $191.24 against the monthly service charges since the July invoice.

I assure you that there is no due balance on the account.

Your satisfaction as a Sprint subscriber is important to us. If there is anything else I can assist you with, please reply


Original Message Follows:


Last summer I requested to close my account by mail 2 times and in July by writing on my bill in black marker pen to close my account. I tried to get on Sprints web site, but was unable at that time. After that I ignored the bills to wake someone up. I have not used the cell phone since July. Why do I have to pay for a service I can not use? I am a world war ll verteran and my ears are in bad shape, I also only have 60% cognition left.

Xxxxxxx xxxxxxx

Company: Sprint PCS
Country: USA
Phone: 8882114727
Site: sprint.com - sprintpcs.com - www.sprint.com
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