Ingenious Designs/hsn
Todd english cookware

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I bought some Todd Language cookware from HSN. I foolowed all of the recommended directions on taking care of this cookware. They're ripping and CAn't be utilized since no real matter what heat you prepare on ANYTHING BURNS! I approached HSN and was informed to get hold of INNOVATIVE STYLES THAT WE did twice WITHOUT ANY fulfillment though they promote a warrenty with one of these items.inNOVATIVE STYLES hasn't adopted thru by calling me. Today I am caught with almost $200.00 of poor merchandise.

David Starkman

Company: Ingenious Designs/hsn
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
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Ingenious Designs
Get as far away from this distribution company as you can!

Ingenious designs/greenpans
Todd english green pans

Todd English
Bad Cookware - cookware

Todd English
Cookware - cookware

Todd English
Cookware - cookware

Todd English
Cookware LOUSY - green pans

Todd English

Todd English
Would not recommend this to my friend or family

Todd English
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