Nationwide Moving Services
Sale Rep Lisa115 lured me in saying I had a fixed rate contract, she lied, owner Sheri lied

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Quoter Lisa115 told me that my quote was capped at $3,006.12, that it could be less depending on how much the load weighed. She lured me away from another moving company with that verbal promise. She also told me, as I could not gain access to my apartment until 1/1/09, that my furniture would be stored until then. I arrived in San Diego 12/13/08 and within a week or so the subcontractor called saying I owed them a certain amount, I said ok as I didn't have any paperwork with me. A few days later they were saying they wanted to deliver. I called Nationwide & said that the subcontractor did not know my stuff could not be delivered before 1/1/09 & would have to go in storage. I also asked why the subcontractor was asking for $769.30 more than the capped amount, once I looked at the email I have received from Lisa115 confirming that ensuing conversations where I voiced my extreme displeasure that Lisa had lied to me & said that I would NOT be paying the extra $769.30 as I was told my quote of $3,006.12 was capped I ended up speaking to Brandi, Stephanie (who I was told was Lisa's supervisor) & Sheri (who I learned later via BBB site is the owner of the company). Stephanie & Sheri 'accepted' that Lisa had lied, Stephanie said Lisa was on 10 days probation, if she does it again she is gone. Sheri said that Lisa was sent home for 2 weeks without pay. Which one was true? Sheri asked me how much I could pay the subcontractor, I told her I had $160 until the end of January, that was ALL I had left to live on as my move budget had blown out. She was going to speak to the subcontractor & see if he would take that. I voiced further dismay that she thought that the subcontractor & I should have to pay for Lisa's mistake & was willing to negotiate with the last few $ I had. I suggested that she could give the subcontractor the $769.30 out of the $ she was saving by not paying Lisa for 2 weeks, she indicated that she would credit my credit card but did not mention an another conversation she told me I should work it out with the subcontractor, just dropped the ball. I tried to contact her again several times, left messages but she did not return my calls. I ended up going back through numbers on my cell phone trying to call the subcontractor. It took several calls before I could speak to the owner. We struck a deal that I would pay $2,500, $365.44 more than I should have. The subcontractor says he gets duped like that all the time by brokers but he just wanted to deliver my furniture. I called my apartment manager, she allowed me to have my furniture delivered on 12/28/08,4 days early for $86.66 extra rent.

Company: Nationwide Moving Services
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Kaufman
Address: 7267 County Road 4094
Phone: 2147646395
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