Estrela Marketing - Adam Taub - Ken Pollack
Total SCAM-They don't send ANY Emails out

Shops, Products, Services

To anyone even thinking of hiring a company to do an email blast for you-do NOT consider Estrela Marketing. This company claims to be a database manager for American Airlines, AT&T, Dell Computer and others who have never heard of them.

I ordered an email campaign some months ago based on the promises of so called VP of Sales, Ken Pollack. He told me all these things above, but when my 5 Million went out and only 120 people clicked to the website-for under 10 seconds each I got suspicious. Upon confronting Adam Taub-owner, and Ken Pollack they told me it did go out to 5 Million and that it was my product and my ad that was at fault, and now they don't even answer my calls, offer a refund, or a makegood. Once they had my money I was chopped liver to them.

Just so you all know, I hired an investigator and here's what I found out. Estrela has only a 1 man tech department-no email gets broadcast from their facility or anywhere-they pay people to click on their customer's ads to make it look like they are getting results. My findings and evidence are going to the Florida Attorney General. These people are a complete fraud and ripoff - If anyone else has been ripped off by these criminals-please reply as we would like to do a class action against them to get them shut down once and for all.

Company: Estrela Marketing - Adam Taub - Ken Pollack
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Delray Beach
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Estrala Marketing
Estrela Marketing Solutions - Adam Taub - Ken Pollack-Total Thieves!

Estrela Marketing
Estrela Marketing is a rip-off, does not deliver what it promises

Estrela Marketing Solutions
1,000, 000 email campain with 0 orders from Estrela Marketing Solutions

Estrela Marketing Solutions
I fell for Estrela Marketing Solutions Scam too!

Estrela Marketing Solutions
Ken Pollack, Email Marketing Scam/Failure to Provide Services

Estrela Marketing Solutions
Compaint about Estrela Marketing Solution

Estrela Marketing Solutions
Adam Taub E-mail Marketing Scam

Estrela Marketing Solutions
Adam Taub President, Took my money and sent out no emails as promised

Estrela Marketing
Ken Pollack Useless and overprice email marketing campaign

Estrela Marketing Solutions
Does not deliver and provides no proof they ever did any marketing at all!