NCO Financial Systems
Fraud and threaten

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Last week I rcvd a letter from NCO stating that I owed ADT $300.00. This was a shock because I did have an ADT system 12 years ago at an old residence and when the contract ended, I did not renew it. The account was closed. Never heard from them again until last week. I called and spoke with a MS. Dunlap who at first was very nice. She could not provide me with any dates, contract information, records etc. But did proceed to tell me that If I did not pay, I would be reported to the credit bureau. She also told me that if I could proove this, i should not have a problem. Now realistically, who has copies of paid accounts from 10 years ago on a system that was sold when the house was sold? I don't even keep tax records that long. According to the statute of limitations in my state, this has expired.

I sent a certfied letter to them asking for verification of the debt, not to contact me other than through the mail, not to contact any third parties regarding this matter and to not report this until proof could be obtained. From what I understand after asking another web site is that I am at their mercy. Why should this be allowed "legally"? Isn't this unethical? I don't think I would feel any better if someone broke into my home and stole my $300 television. I bet I can go back to last years garage sale and find someone and claim they never paid for goods, I will then strong arm them into paying up or I will report them to the credit bureau. That is what this amounts to. We can all be outraged when someone scams an old person but when these crooks do it we are told this is "legal" and "show us your proof". No one cares and I feel physically ill just thinking of paying these people.

Company: NCO Financial Systems
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Trenton
Address: Po Box 4935
Phone: 8004771827
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