- Legal Dro - Legal DRO Paid for product and never recieved it. No comunication! Scamed!

Shops, Products, Services

Sent money for product with nothing in return. I contacted him by email several times and no response. I also filed a claim with paypal to get my money back and he hasent responded to that either. The company are scamers who will steal your money and use it on their legal trouble. To further make things worse, I posted this issue on forums and to my suprise I was contacted by over a dozen people with the same issues, the cost added up to hundreds of dollars, almost a thousand dollars that I KNOW about that was taken by and no product was ever recieved. With the economy is such bad shape I think it takes a low-class person with no morals to do somthing like this. Do yourself A favor and dont ever thinkmabout ordering from He scamed so many people why would you give them business? I found several posts on different websites by another person who he has scamed. I hope you read this before ordering! Tom providence, Texas

P. S search around the web other people have posted in forums about being ripped off spending hundreds of dollars and recieved nothing! Do Not BUY! From Scam artist AKA

Company: - Legal Dro
Country: USA
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