Magic Jack
It is what it is. You get what you pay for!

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I've had my MagicJack for a year now it is what it is. I've had a couple problems with connections and noise but it is what it is. But the fact that there's no customer service has always been a major problem and so there is know help for problems. I can appreciate that Mr. Borislow wants to keep it in the family but having his 6 year old daughter Kylie and her friend doing customer service chats is going to far!!! What are you thinking!!! How can someone have such a great idea with so much potential and drop the ball so bad. This is the last problem I tried I felt I should be compensated for at this point and this is how it was handled. Your customer are how you stay in business!

Please wait for a site operator to respond.
You are now chatting with 'Glaiza'
Glaiza: Hello, how may I help you?
K.: My phone isn't working? It saying
Glaiza: I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. I'll do my best to assist you with that.
Glaiza: May I have your magicJack phone number please?
K.: No network connection (error 9)
Glaiza: Thank you.
Glaiza: Please wait while I check that for you
Glaiza: Thank you for patiently waiting.
Glaiza: May I know your first 4 and the last 4 digits of your credit card number please?
K.: Why?
Glaiza: Please be informed Service Began: 03/07
Glaiza: License Expires: 03/07.
K.: I asked them about taht several weeks ago and I was asured that i would get an e-mail for the billing leting me know it was due. I haven't recieved anything?
Glaiza: I apologize for that, K.
Glaiza: Is this your right email address
K.: Yes, So can I pay for it now and will it come back on immediately?
Glaiza: Yes. But we need to extend it first.
K.: what do I need to do?
Glaiza: Please click the link below.
Glaiza: http://my.
K.: It doen't give me an option to renew?
K.: Except for 5 years?
Glaiza: Do you see there the my. MagicJack in color gray below?
K.: Yes i'm doing that now
Glaiza: Please click on that.
Glaiza: Do you see it now?
K.: No I'm still having problems. It showing an error.
Glaiza: May I know what error is that?
K.: reg: inpExp Value must have 6 characters
Glaiza: Okay.
Glaiza: Please close that window and I will send another link.
K.: No i got it it was the year, in full.
K.: Now what?
Glaiza: Oh I see.
Glaiza: Click on "Extend your License" button under "ACCOUNT INFORMATION", and
Glaiza: another window will pop up.
Glaiza: - In there you will see tow (2) buttons, "Extend your License" and "Apply Code"
Glaiza: button.
K.: Yes
Glaiza: Click on "Extend your License" button and a new window will appear.
Glaiza: - Under the heading "Extend magicJack License", you can select your magicJack
Glaiza: number
K.: T've done that and already paid.
Glaiza: Then you can select the number of years you want to extend your license, either
Glaiza: 1 year or 5 years.
Glaiza: - Click "Next" and a confirmation page will pop up to verify the transaction made
Glaiza: and your magicJack account information.
Glaiza: - Click "Next" and it will process your request
K.: Yes I did that?
Glaiza: Yes I can see it here.
K.: When will my phone work?
Glaiza: Please wait 3 to 4 hours for a confirmation email and then chat us back immediately.
K.: Can you send me a copy of my bill paid to my e-mail?
K.: So i can't use my phone for 3 to 4 hours?
Glaiza: I am sorry but I am not allowed to do that. I will just send the order status and you can print it.
Glaiza: Please click the link below.
Glaiza: Please click here
K.: Why didn't I get an email telling me it was due before it was cut off?
Glaiza: I am so sorry about that, K.
Glaiza: It is an error in our end.
Glaiza: Please click the link above.
K.: Yes but now I have no phone?
Glaiza: I apologize about that, K. Please accept my apology.
K.: No i think someone should do more than just sorry. Let me speak to a supervisor if you can't do anything.
Glaiza: Thank you for your patience. I will transfer you to a higher level of support. Please hold while I transfer you.
K.: Thanks
Please wait while I transfer the chat to the best suited site operator.
You are now chatting with 'Rosey'
Rosey: Hi, Welcome to the higher level of support.
Rosey: May I put you on hold for a while and allow me to review your chat so that I can assist you further?
K.: Yes
Rosey: Thank you..
Rosey: One moment please...
Rosey: Thank you for patiently waiting.
Rosey: this is about the expiration of your license right?
K.: Well I contacted CS about a month ago and asked about my bill. I was told I would get a email when it was due. I've been trying to use my phone all day. I thought the lines were down because of the storms here. But when i sat down to work on line my internet is working fine. But in the past MJ was down and I couldn't use my phone. But finally I decided to write. I fine out I was disconected! No Email nothing! That not a good way to do business and I have had no phone!
Rosey: Phone No:
Rosey: is that your magicjack number?
K.: Yes
Rosey: Okay...
Rosey: It is already extended, right?
K.: Yes I just paid then i was told it could take 3 to 4 hour to get my service back!
Rosey: Can you place a call now?
K.: No It says no connection!
Rosey: I really apologize for the inconvenience.
Rosey: I will fix that..
Rosey: Please check your system clock if it is on EST.
K.: Apologizing doesn't fix the fact that i have had no phone and now the time I've spend doing this! I don't no what clock your talking about? My computer clock is fine.
Rosey: Okay...
Rosey: That is the system clock in your computer.
K.: Yes My computer is working fine.
Rosey: How about the system clock, is it on EST?
K.: It's my phone connection that is NOT!
K.: Yes!
Rosey: Please unplug your magicjack and wait for my signal when to plug it back.
Rosey: Is it unplugged?
K.: yes
Rosey: One moment please...
K.: All I get is sorry I think that I should be compensated for all these problems!
K.: I've been on here for over an hour! Between you and the other person I've chatted with!
Rosey: Thank you for patiently waiting.
Rosey: You can now plug your magicjack.
Rosey: Is it plugged?
K.: Yes It Is Working now. Now what?
Rosey: Please try to place a call.
K.: Yes it is working.
Rosey: Are you set now?
K.: No I think something should be done. Not just I'm Sorry!!!
K.: If you can't do it then let me speak to your superviser.
Rosey: You are speaking to a supervisor.
K.: Well what are you going to do?
Rosey: i just did what should be done
K.: NO, YOU DIDN"T DO ANYTHING TO PERVENT THE PROBLEM! I was cut off because you didn't sent me a bill like I was told would be sent! I had no phone service and it not the first time that I did have a connection. So the fact that I paid and now i have service you didn't do anything. So either give me a name or number of some one over you or I'll find the owner on line and write him direct. I'll also file a complaint with other consumer sites!
Rosey: You can do all of that. WE will respect it..

Company: Magic Jack
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
  <     >  


1 Zee Elite Co Inc Glaiza Carilo And Grosby Dela Cruz Managers Of Angelina Smith
MODEL ANGELINA SMITH The Co listed defraudet me by $250 not offering any service, they are all fraudulent managers that defrauded for a total of $2375 Manila

Pinock Usa
This company made me return a defectiv product at my expence and then would not sing for it or pick up the product at the Post office to be repaired

Magic Jack
Customer Service

Magic Jack
Still waiting for replacement magic jack

Rosey Carpente
Consumer Report

Deceptive advertising and billing florida
Bad customer service with Magic Jack

Magic Jack
No Magic
Chat Tech Support

Will not honer the warranty I can get phone call in but I can not call out