Magic Jack
Still waiting for replacement magic jack

Electronics and household app.

My magicjack conked out around march, i went online with the text crew, rosey, irish, matlyn, haley, crystal, sharon, nicole, and last charlyn, (these are all the people i had to go through, i spent over 3 hours the first time with them trying to get a dead horse to run on tech support, my computor said the usb device atached to this computor has malfunctioned and should be replaced, my other 2 computors said the exact same thing, but no they had to keep me online typing for 3 hours plus going into reg edit (which is the only way to uninstal the software) just in case you didnt know! So to make a very long story short, haley said she would send me a replacement within 14 days, so after 2 weeks i went back online, ended up with charlyn for almost two more hours and she says oh the replacement didnt go through, but i will send you a new one in 3 to 5 bussiness days and i promise it will go through this time, that was april 1 and i was to get an email confirmation within 48 hours (not) i would like to talk to the owner of the company in person about this and them having no records of where i purchased their product and why they told me canadian area codes were coming soon lol! I must admit the magic jack work really good most of the time but if i had of known about there customer service i would not have wasted my time, still waiting for my email confirmation from april 1 good luck to everyone that deals with these morons!

river drive park, Ontario

Company: Magic Jack
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Customer service is terrible when it comes to getting a replacement box if your Magic Jack goes bad

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