Family Dollar
Manager being abused because I am Pregnant

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I have been a Manager at Family Dollar for the past 2 years, I am on a salary to get paid for 52 hours a week but I dont think there is ever a time that I have been able to just work 52 there is weeks that I have put in 75 hours with getting no help from the DM, Family dollar works you to death they are always cutting payroll hours and expecting more and more work to be done you can never take a break even if you work 12 hours a day, back in oct I found out I was pregnent I was put on a restriction to work no more then 40 hours a week but since oct till now there has been only 2 weeks that have have worked 40 hours,

I have been wrote up 2 times for going over my payroll budget and can never get help from anyone, I have went over my DMS head I have called human resoures and no one wants to help, since I have done this my DM has been has found anything and everthing to make my job a living hell, I have been wrote up and he always finds something to complain about but before I was put on this restrition I was never wrote up and always told what a good job I do, I believe family dollar is a slave driving company they get people to do the the job under pay them, over work them, abuse them and put there lifes in danger and most of the managers are like me have children to suport and bills to pay so I get stuck being there slave.

Company: Family Dollar
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: St Paul
Address: 1936 University Ave
Phone: 6513366797
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Family Dollar

Family Dollar
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Family Dollar Stores
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