Small Business Funding Company, Inc
Grant Writing Service Scam... Extremely Detailed and Well Organized

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I was contacted by the above company offering grant money for small businesses. I was told the exact same stories (down to the last detail) the other people were told that have reports on this website about the same company (please read them). However, i checked this website before I sent the money althought I did give them more information than I should. I did keep all the documents they emailed me in PDF format.

I included the contract they sent to me including wiring instructions with their account number and routing number for a Washinton Mutual account. I posted on the FTC website as well and hope this helps other small, woman / minority owned businesses. I pasted the contract below minus my information. Apologize if its difficult to read since I had to copy and paste from a PDF document.

Small Business Funding Company, Inc.
311 N. Pecos, Rd., Suite 100
Henderson, Nevada 89074
Toll Free (877) 472-6814 Facsimile (702) 446-5229

Page 1 of 2
SMALL BUSINESS FUNDING COMPANY, INC. Promises to aid and assist the Client in obtaining a minimum of $100,000.00
grant to be used for the benefit of the Client's business or community. SMALL BUSINESS FUNDING COMPANY, INC.
Provides the following services to clients: (1) Funding Research, (2) Consulting, (3) Letter Writing, and/or (4) Grant Application

Amount of funding requested: $

(1) Length of Contract: This contract shall commence on the %day of %, 20% and shall have a date of
termination on the % day of %, 20%. Client shall have the option to renew the contract for an
additional year (1) year for no additional fee but Client must give SMALL BUSINESS FUNDING COMPANY, INC. Written
notice within thirty (30) days of the date of expiration.

(2) Costs: Client understands that the total service fee of $6,300.00 is a one (1) time service fee. Client understands that
$% is needed to retain the services of SMALL BUSINESS FUNDING COMPANY, INC.By Client affixing
their name to this contract, Client authorizes SMALL BUSINESS FUNDING COMPANY, INC. To deposit the retainer in the
amount of $% in the form of a check or wire sent to Small Business Funding Company. The retainer
agreement is non-refundable due to the nature of the services provided by SMALL BUSINESS FUNDING COMPANY, INC.
The remaining balance of $% will become due when and if the Client is awarded a minimum of $100,000
in Grant Funds.
Please either attach a copy of a personal or business check for the above amount or you
can wire the above amount into the following bank
Washington Mutual Account Number 4460238095 Routing Number 322271627
Fax Confirmation of wire transfer to the above fax number above

800,000.00 /-
26th MARCH 09
26th MARCH 10

Small Business Funding Company, Inc.
311 N. Pecos, Rd., Suite 100
Henderson, Nevada 89074
Toll Free (877) 472-6814 Facsimile (702) 446-5229

Page 2 of 2
(3) Limitations on Representations: Client understands that SMALL BUSINESS FUNDING COMPANY, INC. Does not
provide grant money. Client understands that SMALL BUSINESS FUNDING COMPANY, INC. Cannot guarantee that a Client will receive funding. SMALL BUSINESS FUNDING COMPANY, INC., acts as a conduit to assist the Client to seek funding from foundations that have the ultimate power to determine whether or not to fund and the amount of funding. Client understands that the purpose of obtaining grant money is to receive money for the benefit of Client's business or community.

(4) Entire Agreement: This written contract constitutes the entire agreement among the parties and contains all of the agreements between the parties with respect to the subject matter. This contract superseds any and all other agreements, either oral or written, between the parties with respect to the subject matter.

(5) Severability: The invalidity or unenforceability of any particular provision of this Contract shall not affect the other provisions, and this Contract shall be construed in all respects as if such invalid or unenforceable provisions were omitted.

(6) Notices: Any notice permitted or required under this Contract shall be conveyed to the party at the address reflected in this Contract and will be deemed to have been delivered when deposited in the United States mail, postage paid or when delivered by person, courier or by facsimile transmission.

(7) Governing Law: This contract shall be governed by, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Nevada.

(8) Arbitration: Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this contract shall only be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules or American Arbitration Association and shall be enforceable with the terms of Section 11. Party seeking relief shall be entirely responsible for the costs associated with commencing the Arbitration process.

(9) Attorney Fees Clause: In any litigation between the Client and SMALL BUSINESS FUNDING COMPANY, INC. For fees
provided for in this contract, the party prevailing in the litigation shall be compensated by the loser for attorney fees and court costs to recover fees.

(10) Forum Selection Clause: Any dispute arising under or in connection with the agreement or related to any matter which is the subject of the agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Eighth Judicial District for the State of Nevada and/or Federal Courts located in Las Vegas, Nevada.

(11) Limitations on Liability: Client agrees to hold SMALL BUSINESS FUNDING COMPANY, INC. Harmless in the event
(a) Information provided to SMALL BUSINESS FUNDING COMPANY INC.By the Client is not accurate either as a
result of client's negligence or intentional misrepresentations.
(b) In the event that a foundation requires that additional fees be paid by the Client to the foundation to secure or
finalize funding.
(c) Client is unable to secure funds after all reasonable efforts have been exhausted by SMALL BUSINESS FUNDING

Client Signature Date

Company: Small Business Funding Company, Inc
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
Address: 311 N. Pecos, Rd., Suite 100
Phone: 8774726814
  <     >  


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