International Magazine Company
Repeated phone calls Largo Florida

Shops, Products, Services

These people called me 7 or 8 times a day. I answered once and no one was on the other end. So, I called the number back, and the woman who answered asked me for my name so she could find out why the company called me. She then went on a spiel about how I had won a sweepstakes and could have all these magazines mailed to me for "absolutely no charge". I asked her how she got my information, and she just said, "you were just randomly selected". She then asked me to choose between four magazines. When I paused, because I knew she was going to try to sell me something, she proceeded to yell over the phone, "HELLO! ARE YOU STILL THERE?", very rudely. I told her which magazine was interesting and she said she'd give me a great deal on it for only $4. I knew this was BS. So I told her I wasn't interested. She quickly said "ok, bye".
Well, guess what, I got 7 calls from them the next day! I looked "IMC" up on line and found other consumer complaints. I'm not surprised.
How do I get these fools to quit calling me? I did check my bank accounts, and so far they are clean. I just wonder what information the have on me. I didn't verbally give any info, but I'm still worried.
Beware of these Jerks.

Company: International Magazine Company
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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International Magazine Company Inc
The company is charging me for magazines which I never ordered. I requested a cancelation of the magazine shipments but they would not let me cancel it

IMC, Magazine Company
Scam, Trick, Lie

N.M.E. - National Magazine Exchange - Pat Haines

IMC, International Magazine Company
IMC: International Magazine Company Constant harassing phone calls day & night selling magazines, I told them to take me off their list, but they still call me

International Magazine Company Inc
In times like this&this is not what we need! Largo

East Coast Magazine Sales
Scam to get bank info

International Magazine Co. On January I received a phone call from this company offering a sweepstakes for a wrist watch and five subscriptions for different magazines of my preferences. I choose two (2) for muscle cars an

Magazine savings club
Tried to make me pay $1,400

International Magazine Service
International Magazine Sweepstakes ripoff, deceptive company the business that doesnt give a dam, fraudulent billing

Us Magazine Service
Scumbag company... Dont be fooled!