Sara Freder
AKA Pasqualina rip-off scam con artist Cedex France

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I have been checking out this particular "psychic" for some time now (6 months). She has more than one name, Pasqualina is one of them. There may be others.

When you register at her site for a free horescope reading you will receive something implyng she knows something and you will need to buy her Clairvoyance to find out all these amazing things about what people think about you and etc.

After you purchase her clairvoyance she requests that you buy her telepathic sessions. For these, you will need to pay her $460 or less depending upon what "special deal" she is giving that week.

She sends you your "secret instructions" which is basically meditating with a candle. You must do this for 8 weeks, once a week. You are suppose to send her your "thoughts" during your sessions at the end of the telepathic counseling meetings. At the end of your sessions you already know you have been ripped off as 2 weeks into the sessions she will ask you to have sessions with her again. All the while, she will be sending letters about new clairvoyances... That you must pay for.

If you try to request your money back at the email address provided, it will return a form letter to not give up... She will be working with you to help you. You are not alone. Ironically, this is the same email address you are suppose to send your 8 weeks of observances.

As you will see below in the "Clairvoyance" I received, there is no value to this whatsoever. Please do not send this person any money. The below is all you will receive in various forms. Under two different names I received the exact same letters. Also, both identities received exactly the same letters from Pasqulina. So be careful and hold on to your money!!!

Jr usacomplaints. Comer

My dear,
Here is the Complete and Confidential Great Study of Astral Clairvoyance I promised. It is available for one month. You can easily save it in a text editor.

Your 7 lucky numbers are:
The 1,8, 14,20, 26,32 and 44.

I am happy to have received your e-mail letter as I have many secrets to share with you... YES, it is a good thing in order to become aware of the secrets which concern you my dear and which will change your life.

YES, because the incredible LUCKY TIMES which I have been able to divulge for you and which I have previously mentioned in my letter, are approaching and I ahve would heve regreted you not having been able to immediately to of its beneficial results. Whilst thinking about you and your touching personality, I have felt strange and intense vibrations warning me of a positive action of your part. It is the reason for which I did not really wait to continuing research about your stars. This what allows me to quickly answer because time is short and it may run out!

YES, time is short and we lust act quickly! My very first feelings, as a medium, did not betray me because in spite of the important abilities for luck and success within you, you are the almost helpless, victim of an evilenvironment, of a pernicious beam of negative waves which obstruct almost your ability to act!

Unfortunately, this UNJURIOUS OBSTRUCTION all your live psychological forces impede youto act positively in all the situations of your life, when you would need them the most, and also it drags you in a SPIRAL OF FAILURES which you are unable to push away as you are deplorably stuck to these harm full waves. It is like a descent to hell!

Well no! You must not resign yourself to this permanent failure. On the contrary, you must use to the maximum these huge abilities for luck and success which you have within yourself. You must make the effort to pull yourself out, very quickly, from this terrible spiral of negatives waves, so as to recuperate quickly, the powerful magnetic energy necessary to unlock your Psychological Live Forces.

I can tell you that all the right conditions are layed out to allow you to enter the camp where all those whose life has been good to them live, those who have been given luck, favourable results, success, the happy people!

So give me your hand, my dear, together let us to take the road leading to success. You know that a FABULOUS BENEFICIAL TIMES are approaching: let us start by analysing the weaknesses of your present life, and tell yourself that if you truly want it, the gifts from the stars can soon be your very own reward ; There is one certain fact which I can already tell you, udging by your personality and your abilities, you already possess amny gifts, just by intuition you have foresight and quite a lot of perseveranc, but unfortunately you have not always known how to adaptthese preciuos strenghts to different situations.

You are an honest, harmful and hard-working person and these beatiful strenghts which should allow beautiful developments, on the contrary, appear to bring about great worries and all this must be changed! Read carefully and re-read the pages which follow, your future depends on it and I feel certain that we will have taken a large step forward, towards success and good results!

Let's now look at the subject of finance. For a while now, you havent exactly been short of money, and looking on form a distance, it is clear that you situation should be much better than it is in reality.

Why? Well, because many true opportunities have already passed you by, (one in particular, very recently), but your worries have caused you to miss, and therefore waste these chances!

However, fate continues to be favourable for you, because other quite spectacular new chances might well appear for you, very soon now, in the coming weeks. Sometimes, you simply have to be optimistic and wise, and not act too hastily, especially as the chance of gaining money awaits you (in fact it's the most important opportunity that you'll ever meet with.)

This chance is doubled by a positive sign still a little blurred, but which could perhaps be an unexpected voyage, the success of a campaign, a certain change perhaps, or maybe inheritance? The glorious arrival of even unexpected money etc...

So if you don't want to let success get away again, my dear, I'm reminding you not to make the same mistakes as made in the past. Be resolutely optimistic, and don't give up the fight. Take advantage of the true occult protection that I am offering you, and take your rightful place in society. What's more, favourable predictions are seen in your astral sky.

A beneficial period is in view, and it would be too much of a shame to miss out this time!

YES! You truly have more strength and potential in you than you could possibly imagine! All hopes are permitted to you, on the condition, of course, that you are enthusiastic about these hopes. ALL HOPES ARE PROMISED TO BECOME REALITY, in Luck, concerning Money.

So, my dear, give me your hand, as we are short for time, and there isn't a moment to lose!

Concerning "heart" matters your personality my dear, has formed in the face of disappointments and fears.

These sentimental and emotional disappointments, experienced very early in your life, have not made things easy. YES, it must be recognised: your great sensitivity and real need for affection and love, have never been totally satisfied.

This is much more serious than your astrology sign, and above all your influence are very marked by this sensitivity "to love" and to "be loved". It is for sure that the lack of satisfaction experienced when very young has brought hang ups and tensions which have already considerably influenced your life. Concerning emotions, you are unconfident in the face of existence. You lack in the spirit of decision. Your repeated failures cause you now to hesitate far too much!

It must be recognised that one more time, hostile tendencies are taking priority everywhere in your life. And yet, you need do very little to turn around this tendency, and if you agree, this can come about very quickly, thanks to a beneficial period to come, massive changes can come about.

You are soon to experience a decisive moment, not to be missed. I particularly want to help, to enable you to no longer miss the coachman, and to no longer meet again the disappointments of the past. It is therefore now time to take action, as deep in you, there still are the living strengths necessary in accomplishing your happiness.

I am obliged to speak with you in this slightly brutal way because there isn't a moment to lose if we want to shape fate. The beneficial environment of the weeks to come will for you be like a mane. This is therefore not the moment to let yourself go, nor to cross your arms, to roll up your sleeves! Especially, remember that my dear, I AM WITH YOU TO HELP YOU!

You must understand, my dear, that whatever the subject is that is causing concern for you, or is taking up so much of your time, to be sucessful, you need to continuously build up your attacking abilities, and psychological defence at each moment in your life. I can assure you that these abilities are perfectly intact, and resident in you, and that they constitute enormous potential for the success which I have already spoken of.

And yet you find it difficult to believe, not because you no longer experience success, (except on very rare occasions), but because life hasn't really smiled upon you for a long time. Repeated difficulties, setbacks, problems (big or small) very bad luck, etc. You have been deprived of everything that could have brought you an easier and more pleasant life. Results: hang-ups, feelings of anguish, in a semi-permanent state of anxiety: all of this contributes to restraining your head under the water, not even mentioning the timidity caused, which is capable of paralysing you in the most unsatisfactory moments!

But luckily, you now know that we can focus on reactivating, very quickly, in you the psycho-magnetic positive pole, without which you would never again be able to be yourself again. So not only will you be able to attract luck, and make it stop at your feet, so that you can take advantage of what it brings, in other words money, love and success of every sort, but you will also feel really good about yourself, without having worked for it and without really believing to begin with, you will attract around you a wave of friendly, kind, emotional relationships and this will be a surprise to you, and will bring you very quickly an easier, more pleasant life.

A succession of positive events will soon destroy your anguish, your hang-ups about your shyness: the joy of life, a confident feeling about the future, a feeling of perfect security, are all to very soon make up your daily life. A SPIRAL OF SUCCESS will replace the present spiral of failures, because we are going to restore in you the ideal conditions for you to for you to sieze and exploit each favourable occasion to the maximum, that presents itself before your eyes.

All of your hidden abilities must be put back into use: release them without any more delay from a block of negative waves. You will then notice my dear, how everything will come together!

From all that I have said to you, it seems without doubt, that I wasn't far wrong regarding the first analysing of your present situation, which showed that: following various events, that don't serve to be brought back to memory, you are locked in a tangle of negative waves, which cause a permanent blockage in your psychological senses, and of course, all of your strongest psychological strengths. As a result, my dear, you are not presently in a particularly good state, and totally lacking in confidence, in enthusiasm, and in your abilities of perception beyond the basic senses, which normally are your most important assets.

The effects of this on your life, has been, for far too long now, nothing more than a series of failures, of repeated problems, of difficulties impossible to overcome, of harmful spirits that you cannot live with, and I can understand this!

It's all totally unfair!

Consequently, to stop this set of negative problems which disrupt your life, to clear the barrier which separates you from luck, from success, and from happiness, we must act together, now, without waiting any longer. The favourable period that I have detected for you is quickly approaching, and like all beneficial periods, it will be relatively short, therefore you must hurry to get back your full physical and mental health, in order to be able to seize the best chances which present themselves to you. It is now out of the question to let your chances escape, in these such circumstances.

Your lack of action risks making you suffer for a lengthy time, from regrettable consequences. Therefore you must remove this blockage, and find deep within YOU all of your profound strengths. I am going to help you do this, with all the force of my astro-medium powers, it is essential that you accept this help, as the fight that you must lead against adversity will be tough. We will join together to fight for your happiness.

We are going to undertake work that will lead to the successful fulfilment of each of your wishes!

You are going to flourish, my dear and gain real freedom.

I have another important piece of information to reveal to you my dear! I think that this is the perfect chance to speak to you of this information. You are probably already aware of the subject on which I am speaking. You possess certain powerful, magnetic abilities, as part of an occult gift. But you cannot put these abilities into practice, due to a vicious circle of negative waves, which imprison you.

This ability that you possess simply needs developing, so that it can be exploited to the maximum, firstly for yourself, as it can allow you to quickly benefit, (if you decide one day), to make considerable improvements to your life, and why not even a change, by moving into something lucrative, that you are passionate the same way, you can bring to your family circle, or even to a greater audience, precious help, at all times, in improving their own situations, when they are in need of this help.

When we are to carry out such work together in defeating this harmful environment, I will be of much help to you, by bringing you the first knowledge in occult practises, that is, if you express the desire to put to use this gift. I sincerely believe that you are capable of making the effort necessary to recognise this gift, and to achieve success, as it would be a real shame to ignore or waste accepting this talent which you possess, you will be able to find your personal balance, and bring to others moral support, to show concern, and bring friendship.

You will be comforted and reassured, other words, you will have found you're place in our society. Look back at what has been said, think it all over. We will firstly get rid of all that prevents you from reaching the essential goal of life: true happiness brought by the happiness of others.

Together, and thanks to my amazing occult powers, we are going to say goodbye, with haste, to the negative waves, which paralyse and imprison you. As a result my dear, you will benefit, by becoming more open, which will enable you to exploit this gift, to the maximum. A gift, that the skies have graced you with!
Since we were in touch, my dear, I imagine you've aready felt me near you.

Indeed, I did not wait for your explicit permission before beginning some more detailed positive action for your benefit, and I'm sure you can already tell me that you've felt the first signs of it since you have just taken a decision that you would not have dared to take a short while ago.

It is the begining of effective and positive action and you will quickly realise how fast we will be able to reach some absolutely fantastic results.

This is possible thanks to my medium power of telepathy!

For this particularly delicate work, I will do my best to allow you to pay an affordable price, considering the great importance of this work for your future and the stakes are high for the fight that we are going to wage and win. Obviously if you prefer to pay my fees in several installments, you simply have to clearly indicate this on the form without forgetting to say what kind arrangements are needed.

What is important is that you send me as soon as possible the first instalment, at least two weeks before the beginning of the sessions to allow me prepare myself.

This is essential if we want to have the best possible results. Above all our success depends on the total confidence we have in each other. I am also sure that we will very quickly see important changes in your life thanks to the work we are going to undertake together.

We will walk side by side on the path to success.

As soon as I receive definitive agreement, I will send you my instructions to achieve the best possible series of sessions of telepathic contacts. These instructions have to remain secret, an essential measure to garantee effectiveness.

I will also send you, during the time that we will be in touch, all of even my most minute predictions, day after day. These predictions will be a true daily guide to enable you to enjoy all the opportunities that you will meet!

This will be our common secret, as the very important things that you will experience should bring you the essential knowledge to success in your future life.

You will then be able to easily solve your problems and recognize the precious indications that will help you to find the right way of life!

In order to understand the importance of my proposition, my dear, read this brief story about the INFLUENCE had by the great researcher Camille Flammarion who carried out much researches into which LUCK cannot be put forward.

This story is an extract from The Stranger and the Psychological Problems.

Aime Guimard, a surgeon in Paris, reported the following story: a night in September, I went to bed at 11:30 as I always do. Around two in the morning raging toothache woke me up and kept me awake all night long. The pain was strong enough to keep awake but I was still thinking about my work.

As I was on the verge of finishing a report on the surgical treatment of stomach cancer, I spent part of the night thinking about the framework of the last chapter of the report.

My thinking was often interrupted by the pain and I took the decision of going to my neighbour Mr Martial Lagrange, a dentist, to have my tooth extracted. I insist on the fact that during the night I focused only on two subjects: on of which was my report on the surgical treatment of stomach cancer, in which I study the eradication of the tumor with a lancet, and the other subject was the dentist and the extraction of my tooth.

As soon as 10 AM that morning I entered into the waiting room, and as soon as Mr Lagrange opened the door of his surgery he said: What a surprise, I dreamed of you all night long!

I answered I hope it was not too unpleasant if featured in it.

In fact it was, he said, it was a terrible nightmare. I had stomach cancer and was obsessed by the idea that you were going to open up my belly to heal me.

But I do assert that Mr Lagrange was absolutely unaware that that night I was studying this issue. I had not seen him for six months, and we have no friends in common.

That is a testimony which absolutely cannot be put down to just chance!

Furthermore, TELEPATHY IS SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN: from the USA to Russia, much fruitful research is regularly begun about invisible radiation, given off by living cells, which allow a spontaneous communication from afar. Take a look at this VERY IMPORTANT report on THE SPECIAL AND SECRET MISSION OF AMERICAN ASTRONAUTS ON THE MOON.

Man stepped on the moon!

Everybody remembers these such moving images. And thanks to this spectacular achievement, scientists have completed hundreds of experiments. Most of these experiments have been brought into the light, but there is one which has strangely remained secret for a long time.

Until recently there had been absolutely no leak about it. Today a piece of it has been unveiled...

What was this peculiar experiment about, that neede to be so well hidden over the years?

It is very well known now: the astronauts have reportedly carried out telepathic communication experiments in outer space with scientists on earth. That is to say telepathy through many thousands of miles!

These experiments have produced the possibility of testing communication between humans separated by thousands of miles only through the POWER of THOUGHT.

It also gave the opportunity to find the significance of what is called EXTRASENSORY PERCEPTION (soul only perception).

But we know that this scientific research has lasted for more than 40 years both in the USA and in Russia, and shows the attention that such large Nations have paid to parapsychology and to paranormal phenomena.

As a Medium-Clairvoyant all these achievements are obviously of no surprise to me because I have been introduced to thought transfer by Masters who use millenary knowledge dating from ancient Egypt and Chaldea.

The secret books of antiquity are full of exemples telepathy. I know about this force of extrasensory perception because I have always worked with it. Such STRENGTH of perception allows a communication between two separate minds far apart.

That is why I am going to prescribe you PRESCRIPTIONS that are easy to follow because they will give us the opportunity to transfer the positive magnetism waves, (POSITIVE STRENGTH), from me to you.

Because of this action, you will be able to overcome the obstacles and the inhibitions that life has put in your way!

There will be a new light in your life, a solution to your personal and deepest problems.

You will be able to do EVERYTHING without fear, tension or danger. All you will have to do is to follow the instructions that I will give you as soon as I receive your agreement.

Yes my dear should you follow my instructions, you can expect to become a lucky, rich and happy person full of joy.

If you really want to take full advantage of the fabulous period of great changes that I predicted for you, if you really want this period to bring you the happiness that fate has been holding for you and that you had not yet experienced and enjoyed, do not hesitate to carefully read and read again the clairvoyance that I have just prepared for you without skipping a single line of it. Your future is at stake.

You will see that your lucky star has not forgotten you. And if you still have so many problems, it is because of negative spiralling which prevented you from reaching happiness and joy.

We will work together to quickly rid you of this spiral of negative and unlucky waves that have been a nuisance for you if you accept my offer!

Nevertheless I need your contribution too because we have to act together, you and me, to succeed in this attempt to find your own true destiny!

But we have to do it fast. First we have to restore your inner balance, then we have to bring out your positive side in order to give you the opportunioty of meeting blessings such as joy, success, wealth and happiness, ALL THAT YOU HAVE ALWAYS DESIRED!

Send me your word of agreement as soon as possible and tell me the days and time you chose for our telepathic contacts.

As soon as I receive your agreement you will receive my precise instructions. I am already close to you and my being near to you will be the sign of our success.

But you have to understand that we must act together with all of our power: myself with my very powerful magnetism and occult knowledge, and you, my dear, with your will and your determination to succeed.

Success is just waiting at the end of the road.

I will send you my INSTRUCTIONS which will allow us to transfer the positive magnetism waves, (POSITIVE STRENGTH,) from me to you.

We will overcome all the obstacles and the inhibitions that life has erected in your way as IN THE TESTIMONIES OF PEOPLE WHO TRUSTED ME AND WHO HAVE FOLLOWED THE GOOD ADVICE AND THE FORECASTS DURING OUR SESSIONS.

Mrs T.G.: I'll never forget what you've done for me. This is extraordinary and miraculous... I was sick and you healed me. I thank you once again... (other referrals deleted)

I know you will very soon write me such a letter of satisfaction!

All you have to do is to give your agreement by of the form on which you will indicate the days and time when you will be free.

Click here
for Confidential Form
for your Telepathic Contacts

Company: Sara Freder
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Sara Freder
Rip off Cedex internet

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I have been conned France

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